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Thursday, August 1, 2019

Believe in Me

Jesus told them, “This is the only work God wants from you: Believe in the one he has sent.”
—John 6:29 NLT

Just believe. All things are possible when you believe in me! Peace and rest are real when you quit trying to do things to win my acceptance. I accepted you the moment you asked me into your heart. The only work, my father, desires from you is to believe in me. He sent me to die for your sins and to set you free from the performance trap of never being good enough. Quit trying to prove yourself to me. I did the work on Calvary for you. When you believe in the new life I have bought you, work for me is born of love and not of fear.

If you think that you have to win my love, what you do will never be good enough in your own eyes. You not only judge yourself but others. When your work is an out-flowing of the guilt-free grace I wrought in your life, all things are possible. While you were yet in sin, I took your sin to the cross. I gave my life for you. I paid your debt. I did the work on the cross—not you! And that work is finished. There is nothing you can do to make yourself righteous. You are righteous—blameless because of me. 

Remember, you are loved. You don’t have to win my acceptance! Live your life out of my love—not out of fear! Open your mind to receive spiritual understanding of the magnificence of my gift of grace. My love changed your life, and I long for you to know it.

© 2019 Lynn Lacher

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