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Friday, August 23, 2019

Confident Faith

But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.
—Jeremiah 17:7-8 NIV

What is my life like when I fully know who I am in Jesus? 

I have all of the Lord’s strength for whatever comes. I stand firm against the enemy's attempt to destroy my faith. Like the roots of a tree seeking water, His living water—His Word—refreshes my soul. It feeds me with all I need. I persevere through anything that tries to impede my progress. My roots in His Truth anchor me firmly, and I live safely secured in Him. His perfect love casts out any fear. I am like a tree planted by water which continually receives water for nourishment. 

Faith in Jesus fortifies me, and no circumstance creates fear. Daily I draw from His well of living water and thrive in His Truth. No matter what happens, I am pliable in His purpose. No worry grows where faith has taken root. I store His living water in my soul, so in times of drought, I can draw from its Truth. I stand in Him, and He produces fruit in my life. Filled with His peace, I breathe His Grace.

Does this sound amazing? To have a confident faith which withstands all which comes against it—to have a faith which fear cannot touch? I want a life that continually experiences His peace and remains calm in all seasons—which offers hope and unconditional love. I choose to place my trust and confidence in Him. I decide to put down deep roots in His Word and allow His Truth to mold my mind. I choose Him over feelings. I want to believe that the new life He has given me is real. 

Jesus chose to save me long before I accepted His love. Now I am on a journey to learn what His new life means! When I choose to believe His love on Calvary heals me in body, mind, and spirit, into every fiber of my being His Grace flows. I am strong because He is strong. I love because He loves. I believe because He believes in me. I am planted deeply in His Truth. Nothing can destroy my confident faith in His Grace. 

©2019 Lynn Lacher

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