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Friday, February 14, 2020

Call to Him

What draws you away from intimacy with your Father? Your busy schedule? Feelings of unworthiness? Things you think you need to do? Fear because you can’t control life? So many issues and problems and thoughts can keep you from reaching out to Him. He waits patiently for you to pull away from stuff that vies for your attention and call to Him—to draw close. In your hustle and bustle of emotions and feelings, He longs to spend time with you and to share His peaceful heart. 

Your Father is the omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient God. He is the creator of the universe. Yet, this all-powerful God is your loving Father and is intimately concerned about your welfare. He knows you better than you will ever know yourself and loves you completely and without hesitation. He gives himself to you because you are precious to Him. You come to your Father, who is everywhere at the same time, and yet He is there for you.

When you draw close to God, you realize how close He really is. He never tires of your delay but waits patiently for you to realize your problems are not solved in controlling the fears of your day. Peace is found when you let go and allow Him to take care of what you can’t. God longs for you to understand His truth. He continually shares His heart, but when you are too busy worrying or fixing, you are too consumed with your control issues than hearing from Him. 

Your Father answers you with great things you do not know—great truths that have the power to heal your life. You receive powerfully and completely from His bountiful grace. Some truths will take your breath away. Others you may not understand just yet, but you believe by faith, and you trust by faith. You trust because you know How much He loves you. Because you trust your Father, you have peace in what He shows you. You rest in Him because you believe Him. You never struggle with anything He reveals to you. He only has the best for you. You have inner peace and joy.

Is this your relationship with Him?  When you surrender your worries—your pre-conceived notions—your control—your feelings of inadequacy and unworthiness, you realize just how precious you are to Him. You hear His heart, and you know His answer is the only one. Everything in you believes that you are His.

Call to Him. Draw close to Him. In His presence lies the peace of this day—and the next and the next…

© 2020 Lynn Lacher

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