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Wednesday, February 19, 2020

His Righteousness Never Fails

Everything he does reveals his glory and majesty. His righteousness never fails.
—Psalm 111:3 (NLT)

Christ paid the ultimate price for my redemption. I cannot fathom His pain and His agony or His loneliness and separation from His father. He gave all of Himself so that I might be free from sin and death. I have been bought with the greatest price—His life. I belong to Him. I am His to love. I am so thankful that His grace consistently teaches and changes me. When I perceive the difference He makes—that I am free from condemnation, guilt, and shame—I realize His love was enough to make me clean. I was shattered, but now I am whole in His righteousness.

Through many years I have been taught that to keep His love, I must serve and obey Him. There is nothing I must do to earn or keep His love. Jesus freely gave His love. What I may fail to realize is that with His gift of salvation, I became His responsibility. It is His responsibility to supply my need and empower my life. When I live with the fear that I may lose His love at any moment for the least mistake, then fear is my focus instead of the grace and love of my Savior. When I don’t realize my debt is gone, I have no freedom to serve Him.

However, when I understand that I owe nothing because of Jesus’ love, His grace sets me free to love. I serve because He first loved me. I don’t walk in fear of failure. Instead, I walk in His power because of His grace. I have a responsibility. It is to let Him continually change me and love through me; it is His responsibility to do it. Everything He did on the Cross reveals His glory and love. “It is done,” He said with His last breath. His righteousness never fails. 

© 2020 Lynn Lacher

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