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Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Your Answer


The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those whose spirits are crushed.

—Psalm 34:18 (NLT)



This past year has been a time of great loss. Overwhelming numbers have died. Others have faced times of sickness that took them by surprise. Many have lost businesses and livelihood. Throughout all of this, one thing has remained and will always remain true. Immanuel is with us. And not only with us. He lives in those who believe.


Christmas is a time when the absence of those we have had in our lives leaves a void and loss is much greater. This verse in Psalm 34 reminds us that we are never alone. We are never deserted. The Lord is with us through times of illness and circumstances beyond our control. He is close to us when our hearts are breaking. He waits to be invited to love and care for us.


And what does His closeness—the fact that He is with us and in us—promise?  If we will let Him, He rescues us who have crushed spirits. The Lord doesn’t want us dwelling on loss but rather discovering the healing He has for our hearts. 


God is your answer, and He just waits for you to receive His love. Don’t allow your loss to hurt you any longer. Open your heart to the healing grace of God and receive His peace for your breaking heart and crushed spirit. He will take care of the things for which you have had no answers. 


©2020 Lynn Lacher








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