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Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Love as He First Loved You


A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.

—John 13:34-35 (NKJV)


The love of God is patient and kind. His love isn’t boastful or jealous or proud or rude. It never demands its own way and doesn't keep a record of those who have caused pain or been unfair. How do we as believers get to the point where His unconditional love is greater in us than our conditional human love? You can’t love with the pure love of God until the Holy Spirit gives you a spiritual revelation of what the love of God is and who He is in you. The spiritual revelation of God’s love comes from the Truth of His living Word. God becomes the center of everything you are instead of any self-centeredness. And you set others free from emotional debt with the love that set you free.


“Difficult situations have a way of revealing what is truly in your heart,” Andrew Wommack writes. “It doesn’t matter if your problem is financial pressure, a relational breakdown, or the death of a loved one; you choose whether it turns into a crisis or not. God’s already given you everything you need to overcome in life, but it’s up to you to use it.”


When you don’t spiritually understand the depth of the love you have received in Christ and who you are because of it, His love doesn’t happen easily. A problem can escalate into a crisis. But when you know in your heart who you are in Christ, it’s so much easier to share the love He has poured into your life. You know God has given you everything you need. You have His insight and wisdom beyond your own reasoning. You realize solutions to problems before they become overwhelming. You release others from emotional debt. You give His unconditional love away because you understand with His understanding instead of your own. 


Does your life seem like a crisis? Are you struggling in a relationship with someone? You will continue to struggle without the love of Jesus that forgives easily. Turning away from someone you can’t forgive doesn’t solve your issue with them. Until you deal with the selfishness and unforgiveness in your own heart, you are the problem. You won’t be free.


Do others know you are a disciple of Christ by His love in your life?


In Andrew Wommack’s Living Commentary, John 13:34-35 is expressed in the following way: “Jesus never said others would know we are his disciples by our doctrine, our rituals, our hatred for sin, or even by the way we express our love for God. He said very clearly that the one characteristic that would cause the world to identify us as his followers was our love for one for another. Before we can ever fulfill the great commission there will have to be a revival of love in the church where doctrine and ritual take a backseat to love for one another.”


Without the love of God flowing through your life, your works—your spiritual gifts—your faith that can move mountains, are all meaningless. Only the love of God means anything and never fails. You don’t have the full capacity to love as He loved you UNTIL you have a revelation of His love and grace in your life. That revelation of His love changes everything.


Learn who God says you are in His Word and grasp that He chose to love you first. Allow the Holy Spirit to reveal to you His love that is within you. Choose to place others first. Love with His love that first loved you.


© 2021 Lynn Lacher


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