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Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Stand Strong in His Righteousness


Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness.

—Ephesians 6:14 (NKJV)


Yesterday, we talked about how girding your waist with the Truth of God’s Word is the first piece of armor you put on and how all other pieces of the armor are connected to it. You stand against the enemy on the Truth of God’s Word that you are righteous in Christ. It is not just enough to know that you are righteous because of the finished work of Christ. You have to deliberately choose to believe you have His righteousness. Believing you are His righteousness protects your heart from the enemy’s deception. When you put on the breastplate of righteousness believing nothing hinders your prayers, you can know that your prayers will be answered even if you aren’t perfect in your flesh.  


The enemy reminds you constantly of the old person you once were, and Jesus wants you to remember the righteousness He has given you. When you pray from the mindset of the new person Christ has made you, you pray as one who is forgiven, healed and whole. You pray, believing without a doubt your prayer is answered because you are no longer a sinner needing Grace. You are now saved and redeemed and healed and made new in Grace. When you choose to believe you are righteous in Christ, you know that within yourself you are nothing but that in God you have His power to stand strong. You KNOW that He is in you, and you are in Him. You BELIEVE in your heart that the Word is true! God has poured every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realm into your life.


In a battle, the enemy reminds you of who you are in the flesh with lies and accusations. He will remind you of your sins and your failures. You have to remind the enemy that those lies and accusations are no longer true. Jesus has made you righteous. You learn to cast those lies and accusations down, and having done that, you stand.


God doesn’t answer your prayers because of anything you have ever done or will do. He answers your prayers only because you are standing in the righteousness of His precious Son. He is not going to answer your prayers according to your holiness or your works but according to the Grace of Jesus. Because of Jesus, there is nothing against you. You are approved, loved, and accepted because of Grace. 


“The mouth of the righteous is a fountain of life” (Proverbs 10:11, NASB). “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit” (Proverbs 18:21, NASB). 


Declaring that you are righteous in Christ is putting on righteousness. You have the power to speak death and life. Your mouth can speak death to the lies of the enemy and also be a fountain that speaks life! If you don’t cast down the destructive thoughts the enemy tries to plant in your mind, you won’t stand strong. You will become weak, and fear will run rampant. But when you declare and speak who you are as a child of God, you speak with His authority. You have the power to speak and cast down anything that does not come from His Truth. Nothing will prevail against you when you gird yourself in Truth, declaring and believing that Jesus has made you righteous, healed, and whole.


When you look at yourself through your own eyes, it is hard to see Christ’s righteousness. You only see the imperfection of your humanness. But when you keep looking into your heart with the Truth of the righteousness He has given you, things change. Stay focused on who Christ has made you, and rebuke the lies of the enemy. You know that prayer—the one that you prayed believing and then time and the enemy came against you?  It is still powerful and answered in Jesus.


Stand strong in His righteousness.


© 2021 Lynn Lacher

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