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Thursday, January 19, 2023

The Healing Power of the Good News



The Gospel is God’s good news for man. It is the power of God to save everyone (Romans 1:16), and that salvation is more than just a passage to heaven. The Gospel delivers and heals the whole man. 


You can’t separate healing from the Gospel. Jesus was healing personified. He healed all who came to Him with great compassion. Jesus never denied anyone healing or asked what they had done or what might have caused their sickness. He just loved and healed them.


“By His stripes, you are healed,” Isaiah prophesied about Jesus (Isaiah 53:5). Jesus fulfilled Isaiah’s prophecy. He healed and delivered all who were oppressed (Matthew 8:17, Acts 10:38). “He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we may cease from sinning and live for righteousness. By his wounds you were healed" (1 Peter 2:24, NET).


Jesus accomplished healing for the whole man. 


The Gospel is all-powerful, and it stirs faith in those who hear it (Romans 10:17). When you hear the Gospel, it draws you into a relationship with Jesus. It draws you into the goodness of the love of God. It encourages you and sets you free from the lies of the enemy. It breaks through the bondage of sin, sickness, fear, torment, oppression, and shame. Evil dies in its truth, and your needs are met in its power. The Gospel sets you free.


“Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved” (Romans 10:13). The word here for salvation is the Greek word “soteria.”  Its meaning includes salvation, health, and deliverance. Whenever Jesus preached the Word, miracles of healing and deliverance followed. It is the same today. When the Gospel is preached, salvation in all its fullness is received. 


Forgiveness, healing, and deliverance are signs that follow the Word of God being spoken (Mark 16:17-18). These are all part of the goodness of God. When you hear the pure, unmodified Gospel of God’s grace, you know it. Its power changes you. Forgiven, healed, delivered, and lacking nothing—you are made new and whole in the love of God (2 Corinthians 5:17).


When you received salvation, you didn’t understand everything about it. You hadn’t read the whole Bible before you prayed to receive Christ. You heard that God forgave your sins and loved you. He wanted to be a part of your life. Accepting Christ into your heart, you received the Gospel with child-like faith. You receive healing in the same way that you responded to the Gospel when you were born again. You accept it without having to understand everything about it. 


Do you want to receive the wholeness the Gospel has for you?  Respond in the same way you asked Jesus into your heart—by faith. Healing begins by hearing the Word and allowing it to convince you of the depth, height, width, and length of God’s love for you (Ephesians 3:18).  The Word and faith work together to build confident hope. You receive by believing the Word.


“Daughter, your faith has made you well,” Jesus told the woman who touched the hem of His garment (Mark 5:4).


“Your faith has made you well,” Jesus told the blind man, “and immediately he received his sight” (Mark 10:52).


Today the Scripture is fulfilled (Luke 4:21, 1 Peter 2:24), and you have heard it. The Good News is yours in all its fullness and resurrection power.


“All things are possible to him who believes,” Jesus told the father of a tormented boy and healed him (Mark 9:23).  He tells you, too, that all things are possible to him who believes.


Jesus loved you without question all the way to the cross. He loved you unconditionally with every drop of His blood. He has delivered you from sin and all its destruction of pain and sickness. He is your Healer, your Deliverer, your Provider—your whole Healer of spirit, soul, and body.


Jesus heals all of you. All things are possible to him who believes.


© 2023 Lynn Lacher


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