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Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Secure and Victorious in Christ's Grace


Those who trust in the Lord are as secure as Mount Zion;

they will not be defeated but will endure forever.

—Psalm 125:1 (NLT)



Trust is the ability to rely upon or place confidence in someone. When you trust someone, you rely on the integrity of that person and the security they give. You have faith in them. Those who trust in the Lord, the psalmist proclaims, have confident faith in His security and protection. They know that in trusting God they will not be overcome but will always be victorious.


The Old Testament God that Moses encountered on Mount Sinai offered security to the Hebrews if their behavior could meet the Law He had given to them. Their security in God was conditional on their performance to keep the Law. The Law defined what righteous living was. God blessed or cursed them based on their conduct. 


On the cross, the greatest exchange took place. The Grace of Jesus took our sin and gave us God's righteousness. Sin defeated sin with the righteousness of God. His Grace suddenly defined righteous living as not performing according to the law. Grace gave us new life and a New Covenant. When we are reborn in Christ, the righteousness of God becomes our new nature. In Christ we are righteous and God’s standard is met. Conduct no longer remains God’s standard of judgment for us. God sees the righteousness of His Son when He looks at us. 


The Law gives sin its power (Corinthians 15:56). God in Jesus has given us victory over sin (1 Corinthians 15:57). The Grace of Jesus has met God’s standard and has washed us clean of our sin nature. The Law is no longer the standard God uses to judge us. His Grace is not about our conduct. It is about our heart. His Grace sees our inner transformation and wants us to believe in our hearts that the Grace of Jesus has judged us clean. When we believe this Truth, our conduct will change. 


Sin is no longer is master over us. We are no longer under the Law but now under Grace (Romans 6:14). Jesus, who knew no sin, became sin for us so that we might become the righteousness of God (2 Corinthians 5:21). The Law no longer is our judge. Christ took our judgment. He took our condemnation and punishment and gave us His righteousness. 


“There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit” (Romans 8:1, NKJV).  


God looks upon our hearts and sees the righteousness of His Son in us. We don’t walk according to the flesh. The flesh can never fulfill the requirements of the Law. Jesus has fulfilled the Law. And we walk according to His Spirit who is life and peace (Romans 8:6).


You have come to Jesus, my friend, who negotiated the New Covenant between God and you. He is the author of your faith. He is Mount Zion—the city of the living God, and He no longer lives outside of you (Hebrews 12:22-24). 


The Kingdom of God is within you. You have no reason to fear God who became flesh and gave His life for you. His love is no longer conditional on your performance. God revealed His real character in the gift of His Son. He is love. He is Grace and Truth. Now you can run freely to Him—without shame or dread. He is tangible. He is touchable. He is forgiveness and healing and Grace. You are His firstborn. Your name is written in His heaven. You can trust God, your Father, who loved you enough to send His Son to perfectly meet the conditions of His law that and redeem you from its curse.


Do you trust Him? If you trust Him, you are secure in Him. You have peace. You have joy. You believe His Truth, and you receive His love. When you understand your relationship with God, you have His faith to believe in the integrity of the security that He has given you. You have confident faith in Him because you know how much He loves you.


If you are dealing with trust issues in your relationship with God, you need to know who you are in Him. You are His beloved. You are His child. He is your righteousness—your healer—your provider—your Abba Father. You can draw from the wellspring of His love for you. You can share your heart and leave your burdens in His care. You don't need to fear punishment. Yes, God is the judge over all things, but Jesus has negotiated a New Covenant for you. Jesus took the judgment for your sins to the cross and received your punishment. God sees you through the finished work of His Son. You are without blemish—forgiven and healed and whole.


Those who place their trust in the Lord are secure in His love. They are not defeated by the struggles of life. They are not defeated by the lies of the enemy. They know who they are in God’s love, and they are at rest in their identity in Christ. No weapon that comes against them will prosper. Their righteousness is in Jesus. They have the power of His righteousness to condemn the judgment of the enemy that rises against them. They will not be defeated but will endure forever. They are overcomers in Christ and completely victorious in His perfect and finished work of Grace.



© 2023 Lynn Lacher


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