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Monday, October 9, 2023

A Testimony of His Amazing Grace



         Three years ago my husband named a star after me. He had no idea what it meant to me, and He certainly had no idea the confirmation it was for what I had experienced two months earlier. I had not told him what I had experienced with Jesus. But the Holy Spirit knew, and He stirred this gift in Pat’s heart.  


         In April of 2020 I was rushed to the hospital. I had collapsed on the floor because my legs could not hold me up. For weeks I had fought sickness with no diagnosis. I remember very little of the ambulance trip to the hospital or the diagnosis I was given in the ER. However, I remember I was told that my sodium was so low they were amazed I was not having seizures. I remember very little of the actual time in the hospital. What I do remember is my experience with Jesus and the two verses that I believed were His truth for me.


         The weeks before I went to the hospital the Holy Spirit quickened a Word in my heart. Paul said he was hard-pressed between going home to be with the Lord or remaining to fulfill His message of grace. Paul found his answer, and his answer became the Holy Spirit’s answer for me. I knew I could believe it and rest on it. When I went into the hospital, I rested in it. Sharing the message the Holy Spirit was continually revealing to me was the desire of my heart.


          “Knowing this,” Paul said. “I am convinced that I will remain alive so I can continue to help you grow and experience the joy of your faith” (Philippians 1:25).  


         I took this Word as God’s will for me.  The other Word I was given was Proverbs 4:20-22.


         “My child, pay attention to what I say.
          Listen carefully to my words.
         Don’t lose sight of them.
          Let them penetrate deep into your heart,
         for they bring life to those who find them,
          and healing to their whole body.”


         These were the verses that carried me through a physical time in the hospital of which I remember very little. What I do remember with clarity is my time with Jesus. At one time he carried me in my spirit upward into the starry sky. We rose from one constellation into another. The stars shone brighter as we slowed near our destination. Previously, I have tried to share this, but no words can express what I really experienced. But I can share the question Jesus asked me. He asked me if I wanted to stay or return. I saw those who might believe. I saw those in the class. I saw those I had prayed for through the years. I knew Philippians 1:25 was my answer.  


         It was physically painful to return from this experience. It was physically painful with the bombardment of other illnesses that afterwards came from the enemy. I chose to let the spiritual peace of Jesus rule in my heart. I held on to His Words. I refused to lose sight of them. I let them penetrate deeply into my heart. I believed I would receive their truth. His Words became my Words. They were the truth of who I was in His love. I knew I would experience the healing He had purchased for me long before I had ever known Him. 


         After three hospital visits including a blood clot, bowel obstruction, and a diagnosis of an illness that I was told I would have for the rest of my life, I chose God’s healing answer for my life by faith. Daily, I continued to receive spiritual understanding of the truth of His healing. This spiritual truth impacted me physically as I grew spiritually in Him. It took a long time for me to walk in the gift of His healing. But I never let go. 


         The enemy always comes against me to try and convince me that God's healing grace for me is a lie. Physically, he still attacks. But the truth is Jesus died so I might receive His healing. Being renewed by the Word daily is life and healing to my body. The Holy Spirit convinces me daily of God’s truth. His healing is nothing I can accomplish. It is His gift for me to receive. I rest in His truth and refuse to receive the lie of the enemy. I choose not to give place to fear. And I keep moving forward in the truth of His amazing grace.


         I received the gift of the star named for me just weeks after my second illness in the hospital. The certificate is in a frame on my dresser to remind me every time I see it that His Word to me is true. It is who I am. His Word is healing to me when I hear it in my heart and believe it.


         God doesn’t love one person more than another. He wants each one of us to know the truth of His love and grace. He wants you to know in your heart what He has done for you out of His love for you. He gave each one of us the same measure of faith. You can take His Word as your truth. His Word works in your life by faith.


         Praise you, Jesus, for your amazing grace! 



© 2023 Lynn Lacher

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