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Tuesday, October 3, 2023

God is Faithful to His Word



Have you heard this? “God said it and that settles it.”  


What has the Word said to you? Whatever the Holy Spirit has shown you in the Word is settled in your life. It is God’s will for you. 


Settled means “established, stable, solid, firm, matured, and complete.” God’s promises are established. They are solid. They are mature and settled in His Word just as they are settled in heaven.


“Forever, O Lord, Your word is settled in heaven. Your faithfulness endures to all generations; you established the earth, and it abides” (Psalm 119:89-90).


God’s Word reveals His promises, and He is faithful to accomplish His promises in your life. His Word abides. It is unchanging. How you believe the promises of God in your heart determines whether His truth is established, solid, and complete in your life or not.


God has given you His Word to know His will. His Word is His will. It is His final authority in your life. To experience the power of the faith that is yours in Christ, you need to know what His Word reveals. When you believe God’s truth is “settled, established, stable, solid, firm, matured and complete in your life,” you know it is your final authority. It is your final truth. It is the end result. You receive it as your truth by faith. You make it your own. Stop the doubt in your heart. It will keep you from receiving God’s truth. It is your choice to constantly renew your mind with His Word and stand on it. It is your choice to believe without wavering (Romans 12:2, James 1:6-7) and put on the new life that Christ has given you (Ephesians 4:24).


You receive the settled and final authority of God’s Word when you believe its truth in your heart. You mature in the finished work of Christ when you are transformed by the renewing of your mind with the Word and guard it as the final authority in your heart (Ephesians 4:23, Romans 12:2). You believe by faith the incorruptible seed of God’s final Word.


The enemy will come and try to snatch away God’s truth which has been sown. Perhaps, you received God’s promise with joy and believed in it for a while. But when tribulation came—either from circumstances or the opinions of others—you let go and doubted God’s final authority on your promise. The cares of life and the deceitfulness of riches also keep the Word from bringing forth the abundant life the Word promises. However, when you receive the seed of God’s Word in your heart—when you hear the Word of faith in your heart and understand it, it “indeed bears fruit and produces: some a hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty” (Matthew 13:23).


Is the Word the settled and final authority in your life? Do you believe in God’s truth?  What has God’s truth birthed in your life? Not what you try to birth. Not what the world or the opinions of others try to birth. It is His Word that births the fruit of His truth in your life. What has His truth brought forth in you?


You have been born again, my brother and sister in Christ, not of corruptible seed but incorruptible, through the word of God which lives and abides forever (1 Peter 1:23). His Word is the final authority in your life. It is His truth. It is mature and complete. It makes a difference in your life when you know and believe in your heart what Jesus gave His precious blood for you to have. 


God’s Word is settled. His promises are His final say. Hear and believe His Word of faith in your heart. He is faithful to accomplish His Word (Psalm 119:90). Hold fast the confession of your hope without wavering, for God, who promised, is faithful (Hebrews 10:23).


© 2023 Lynn Lacher




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