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Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Your Own Worst Enemy


In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves.

— (2 Tim. 2:25, KJV)



Other translations of this phrase in 2 Timothy 2:25 say that we are to instruct those in opposition with gentleness and humility.  Look at the wording in the King James Version. Have you ever realized that you can oppose yourself and be your own worst enemy? 


It is absolutely possible to know God’s truth in your mind and yet oppose yourself in your faith, in your words, and in your actions. Many Christians know good doctrine but speak words of failure, sickness, lack, and defeat. Their actions do not reflect the new life Jesus Christ has given them. Not only are they in opposition to themselves, but they react as a victim when they find themselves in opposition to others. They are easily offended and are not living a victorious life. Their expectations and their outlooks are negative. However, if you asked them something about doctrine, they would have no problem answering you.


The same thing is true for setting goals and fulfilling God’s call upon our lives. We can have a vision for a promising future, but if we choose to pursue meaningless things, they offer us no value. We become as the world, and our vision becomes nothing more than something we have imagined in vain (Romans 1:21). When we permit fleeting pastimes to replace long-term goals, we are only opposing ourselves. We have become the double-minded man James writes about.


“For he that wavers is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord. A double minded man is unstable in all his ways” (James 1:6-8).


The lusts of our flesh—an unrenewed mind—a doubtful, pessimistic outlook—and fear are all in opposition to our true identity in Christ and to God’s call upon our lives.  They are our enemies that place us in opposition to ourselves. The more time we give to these enemies, the more we are our own worst enemy.


You already have enough enemies in your life. Don’t become an enemy of yourself and your God-given purpose. If you walk in the Spirit, you won’t fulfill the lust of the flesh (Galatians 5:16). Be renewed in your mind with God’s truth, and you will conform to it. You will know His purpose in your life (Romans 12:2). Choose to have a positive optimistic outlook. Your vision will not be in vain, and your life will not be in opposition to the plans God has for you.


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