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Friday, May 3, 2024

Help My UnBelief


Yes, again and again they tempted God,

And limited the Holy One of Israel.

They did not remember His power:

The day when He redeemed them from the enemy.

—Psalm 78:41-42 (NKJV)



After all, God had done for them, the Israelites rebelled against Him in the desert and grieved God. He had rescued them from Pharaoh, parted the sea, led them by day and night, provided for their needs, and these things were still not enough to convince them of His faithfulness. They kept forgetting His righteous power and deliverance from the enemy. And in doing so, they limited God.


Do we limit God? Do we forget what He has done for us? Do we remember our salvation from the enemy and death? The Israelites’ faith extended only to what they had experienced in their circumstances—to what they felt in each moment or circumstance they faced. They didn't trust God, who had rescued them from Pharaoh. Too often, we allow our faith in God to extend only to what we have experienced or what others tell us is true. We forget God's power, which saved us from death. We forget that this same Resurrection power lives in us (Ephesians 1:19-20).


Our faith needs to reach past what we see, hear, and feel. The Word of God needs to penetrate our hearts and transform us to believe past what we experience or what anyone tells us. The Word is our final authority regarding what is true or what isn’t. 


An example of the final authority of the Word is what it says about healing. 


Do you believe that Jesus is the same today, yesterday, or forever? (Hebrews 13:8)?  Jesus healed all who were brought or came to Him during his earthly ministry. We can believe He heals today—just as He did on earth. Do you remember what Isaiah said of the Savior to come? "By His stripes, we are healed” (Isaiah 53:5). In Matthew 8:16-18, Jesus declared that He was the fulfillment of this prophecy and confirmed it with physical healing. The Word declares healing accomplished in 1 Peter 2:24: “By His stripes, you were healed.”


However, there was a place where Jesus became limited in healing and miracles. That was in Nazareth, his hometown, where He was recognized as just a carpenter's son (Mark 6:5-6). Because of their unbelief, He only healed a few (Mark 6:5, Matthew 13:58).


Do we limit the Holy One as He was limited in Nazareth because we don't believe Him for who He really is? “If you believe, all things are possible,” Jesus told the father of the boy tormented by a demon, and then delivered him (Mark 9:23). Jesus taught that faith was the key to receiving healing (Mark 5:34; Mark 5:36, Matthew 8:13). Jesus said in Mark 11:24 that believing was the key to receive anything from God.


Is Jesus without honor in our lives as He was in Nazareth? Do we forget the power of God and wander around in our deserts of unbelief?  We can believe God for His promises. We can stand on His Word. If you need healing, you can believe God for it. Even if you feel pain—even if you see your physical issues, you can trust what the Word says. God sent His Word—Jehovah Rapha sent Himself—and healed you (Psalm 107:20, John 1:1). Jesus became as you so you might become as He is.


What other needs are in your life? God created everything you would ever need before He ever created you. Sin became the problem in the Garden that separated you from what He had created. But Jesus removed that separation caused by sin by recreating you with His precious blood. The Lamb of God died to save you, heal you, and provide for you. What God created for you is now yours. Do you believe what Jesus has done for you? You can trust God's promises revealed in His Word. The Word of God is the final authority in your life—not what you experience or what anyone else tells you. 


God is not limited, but so often we limit Him by our unbelief. We appeal to Him out of our human understanding instead of seeking to have a revelation of His. We see our lives as unfinished and lacking instead of believing the truths Jesus’ finished work has accomplished for us. 


“According to your faith, let it be done to you,” Jesus told the two blind men who sought healing (Matthew 9:29). “Daughter, your faith has healed you,” He told the woman who touched His garment. “Go in peace and be healed of your suffering” (Mark 5:34).



Lord Jesus, help me to never make cheap what cost your life. I never want to limit you. I never want to make less of your precious blood with doubt and unbelief. Jesus, you never limited your love for me. I want to love you and not limit you as you have loved and not limited yourself for me. I do believe. Help me overcome my unbelief.






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