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Tuesday, May 7, 2024

His Sheep Hear His Voice

When you have a need where is the first place you go? The first reaction to a need for many believers is to reach out to someone who they feel might be able to help them. Even though they have been taught that the Lord is the best response to their need, it isn’t going to happen if they haven’t developed their relationship with Him. 


Is this you? If you haven’t learned to trust God and hear from Him, you aren’t going to go to Him first.


People are real. They can touch and hear you. They can relate to you because they also struggle. God is real. You can hear Him, and He understands you 100% because He created you. He breathed His life into you. He is the One who has the perfect answer in your time of need. But for so many, God is just an “idea” or a “concept” instead of the loving and powerful God who cares for them. Having fellowship with Him is the only way He becomes real and tangible to you as the loving and powerful Father who is concerned with your every need.


Wise counsel might be helpful. But counsel is always subject to the heart and the degree of the spiritual understanding of the person giving counsel. God has given us the Holy Spirit to be our best counsel.

“And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever” (John 14:16).


We have been given the Holy Spirit so we can intimately know our Father. He abides with us forever—never leaving or forsaking us. We have fellowship with the Father through Him. We can hear His Word quickened in our hearts knowing it will come to life in us. We can come to Him in time of need. We can touch the heart of the One who created us. The Holy Spirit guides us in each need throughout our day. However, many believers haven’t grasped His role in their daily lives.


Talking to God should be the very first thing we do. He should be “alive” in us—in our minds and hearts from the moment we wake up in the morning. We should speak His Word into our needs and praise Him for meeting them before they are met. The more time we spend time with God, the easier it is to hear His counsel and to be directed by Him. It is easier to trust Him in the storm that suddenly arises. 


“Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might know the things that have been freely given to us by God” (1 Cor. 2:12).


We have the Holy Spirit to know what has been freely given to us in Christ. The wisdom we need to navigate this life, the peace we need to empower us, the joy we need to fulfill us, the love we need to encourage us, and the words we need that speak life to us, are all available by the Holy Spirt through fellowship with God. Prayer is our honest discussion with the One who loves us and has all our answers.


“I called on the Lord in distress; The Lord answered me and set me in a broad place” (Psalm 118:5).


God is so faithful. A lot of our distress is self-inflicted. Yet, the Lord graciously ministers to us in our distress and grants us deliverance. When He delivers us, it is accomplished in more than just a little way. Praise the Lord! He puts us in a large place.


Your Father is the first place to go when life is difficult. He will answer you and guide you in anything you should do or if you should be still and allow Him to take care of your concerns. Develop your personal fellowship with Him. Vocally talk to Him about everything. He is concerned with the least little thing that concerns you. Expect to “hear” Him. Expect to receive His wisdom, guidance, understanding, peace, and faith. 


You are His, and His sheep hear His voice (John 10:27).



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