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Friday, November 22, 2013


Even though I am not rich in what others might call rich, I am rich in Christ. I can't contain such rich fullness, it just overflows. It is a fullness of His Spirit that must be given away. He calls me to give all of myself away.... my heart, my thoughts, my possessions, my life....for His sake. He is the greatest giver, and He is my greatest example. He gave of His time, so I will give of mine. He gave up personal comfort, so I will give up mine. He gave all of Himself for me....His perfect life for my sinful one. He still gives all of Himself for my comfort, for my healing, for my understanding, for my sorrow, for my weakness, for my need. Because of what He has done for me, and His love that continues to abundantly flow, I also give. And in giving, I receive. I receive more joy and move peace and more love to give away. It is a never ending cycle of richness that only comes with complete surrender to the Savior who died for me. In Him is fullness of life.

”Give, and it shall be given unto you, good measure, pressed down, and shaken together and running over, shall men give unto your bosom” (Luke 6:38).

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