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Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Rest Until Your Heart Sings Again

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest" (Matthew 11:28, NIV).
When I am tired, exhausted, overwhelmed, depleted, I go to Him for rest. When I feel drained emotionally, mentally, and even spiritually, I go to Him for rest. But I don't just go. I stay. I wait. I abide in Him (John 15:5). I let go of all that pulls me down and drains my heart and spirit (Philippians 4:6). And I stay with Him. I stop all that rushes my mind and disturbs my spirit. I go to Him because I know He alone is my help and my restorer. He is my help in my time of need. His presence is constant and sure, and I wait until He fills every crevice of my tired and hurting heart. I rest until my racing mind has calmed. He is my Sabbath rest, my complete rest of body, mind, heart, and spirit from all that I endure. I will make every effort to enter that promise of rest in His presence (Hebrews 4:9, 10).

His rest is fearless. His rest is burden-less. His rest is peace that passes all understanding (Philippians 4:7). His rest supplies all that I lack. His rest is complete, and is all that I need to complete my journey. I rest in Him until He shows me it is time to go again....until my spirit sings with His strength and purpose....until my mind is at peace....until all is well again. Whatever your struggle or pain or heartache or want, make every effort to enter His peaceful rest, and remain until you, too, are strong again. Remain until His presence pours such strength, joy, and purpose into your heart, that you are encouraged to rise again to his calling for your life.

From your abiding rest will come the moment when it is time to rise again to your purpose. When that time comes, move out in His strength and power. That purpose might have at one time drained you to the point of despair, but after rest and restoration in Him, that purpose is now your life once more (Romans 11:29). Step out in faith and purpose and strength and victory and grace that only such abiding rest in His presence imparts. Look up; grab with Hand, and move forward into His purpose for your life.


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