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Saturday, October 4, 2014


        Today we look at the name “El Elyon”―another of the old Testament names of God. There is no way that I can write of all I have found so I will present what has impressed me.

        As we learned yesterday, “EL” means “God”. Today we learn that “Elyon” literally means "Most High". When “El” is joined with “Elyon”, this aspect of God's character means “God Most High”. God reigns with authority and in majesty. “I will cry to God Most High,” the psalmist wrote, “who performs on my behalf and rewards me [who brings to pass His purposes for me and surely completes them]” (Psalm 57:2, AMP)! This “God Most High” moves on my behalf, and and not only brings about His purpose for my life, but completes what He begins in me.

        “El” used in conjunction with “Elyon” first occurs in Genesis 14:18-22 where Melchizedek, a priest of God and king of Salem (Jerusalem) was honored by Abram with a tenth of the spoils he had taken when rescuing his nephew, Lot, from the hands of those who had defeated Sodom. Melchizedek favors Abram with God's blessing, and refers to God as “God Most High”. The King of Sodom is so thankful that Abram has rescued his people from captivity, he tells Abram to keep the goods that were taken from Sodom. “But Abram said to the king of Sodom, “I have lifted up my hand and sworn to the Lord, God Most High, the Possessor and Maker of heaven and earth, that I would not take a thread or a shoelace or anything that is yours, lest you should say, I have made Abram rich'” (Genesis 4:22-23, AMP). “El Elyon” is a name that denotes great and final authority. “El Elyon” is the creator and the owner of heaven and earth. So what is offered to honor Him comes from what He already owns. In these verses, “El Elyon” is the authority who is honored by giving; He is the authority by which one blesses, and by which one swears an oath. Another occurrence in its compound form is found in Psalm 78:35. “And they [earnestly] remembered that God was their Rock, and the Most High God their Redeemer” (AMP). Here “El Elyon” is one who delivers and saves. He is one whose authority is recognized and majesty is honored. “El Elyon” has a purpose in the lives of those who honor Him.

        There are other occurrences in Bible where “Elyon” stands alone and occurs without “El”. These occurrences are found in the Psalms, Numbers 24:16, Deuteronomy 32:8. In Isaiah 14.:14 “Elyon” is used as one who inspired great envy and jealously in Satan. “I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High” (Isaiah 14:4, (AMP).

        Whether occurring with “El” or without “El”, the “Most High” one over all the earth reigns in sovereignty and final authority. Because of His majesty He deserves my highest respect and praise. I must never assume to put myself in His place, but I often do when I make my own decisions without seeking His will. The Most High God is my judge, and the one who has the authority to forgive me. When I come to Him in repentance honoring His authority, He delivers and saves me from all that I have been. He hears my cry, and moves on my behalf. He blesses and rewards me. God is not only my high and sovereign Rock. He is my Redeemer.

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