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Friday, October 24, 2014

The Unmerited Favor of God

For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ” (John 1:17, NIV).

Grace! God's grace looks past all my failures and sinGod's grace denies His righteous wrath for the sake of His Son's freely offered giftGod's grace reaches past all that I have been and extends mercy; His grace is free! It is His gift of love. His forgiveness costs me nothing because it cost Him everything. He was the perfect sacrifice for my sin. What He gave on Calvary was something that I could never earn through keeping a law. The law only exposes my sin. His grace forgives it. The unmerited favor of God brings His truth into my life. Without His truth to reveal sin, and His grace to deny it, I will fail. Jesus not only paid the price for my forgiveness. He also prays for me to be sanctified with His truth (John 17:17)for His grace to make a difference in who I am each day of my life. 
Lord, I am thankful for the moment you came into my life, and forgave me of my sins. Everything changed in that instant. I was no longer alone. I was no longer bound in the dregs of my past. In that instantin that moment, I knew I was loved no matter what I had done or been. Your love has set me free to be me. You always see my potential and lift me above the circumstances that try to destroy me. Your grace is more than sufficient for my every need. I thank you for the promise that where sins abounds, your grace abounds more. You walk with me everyday, but more incredibly and wonderfully you live inside me. It is your heart that loves through me, and it is your forgiveness that flows. I have none of my own. You make all the difference. You make my life complete, and for that I cannot give you enough praise. You are my life, and my God. Thank you, Jesus, for loving me beyond measurebeyond anything my limited mind can imagine. Lord, in the gift of your Son, you extended grace when you could have called for my eternal payment. You took my place. I am in awe of what you have done for me. Your grace is your unending and constant promise. Your unmerited loving favor has set me free. In the daily wonder of your grace, I am fulfilled.

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