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Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Unchanging and Faithful

Now may the God of peace make you holy in every way, and may your whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless until our Lord Jesus Christ comes again. God will make this happen, for he who calls you is faithful” (I Thessalonians 5:23-24, NLT).

Has your faith in Jesus Christ kept you strong? The disciples would have failed except for the power of the Holy Spirit who came to comfort, guide, and empower them. God's message of redeeming love has been alive and well through centuries because many have been willing to stand strong no matter what they faced. It has held strong because those who believed in Him were willing to suffer and some to even die for His truth.

Living for Jesus Christ is all about your soul. The life you live in Jesus is not about what is comfortable. It is not about how you feel, or even your circumstance. We often choose the easier way... the one less strenuous and risky. He calls us to walk in the way of truthto be willing to lay down our lives if necessary. It is a hard calling, but it is ours, and it is for our utter fulfillment in this life. It brings a joy that nothing else surpasses.

If you live your calling, you are molded by His faithful and unchanging hand. You blossom spiritually through all the struggles you face because He is your power. If you refuse His calling, His purpose in your life is thwarted and your spiritual growth is deferred. You discover a sadness that cannot be appeased, and spiritual sorrow that grieves your spirit.

Living for Him is not about how you feel. It is about truth and commitment. Stand strong in Him. Live what is best for your soul. Be willing to face each obstacle that commitment to Him brings. Your reward will be exceed anything your mind can imagine. Your soul will rejoice that you have not only grown closer to Him, but that in Him, you have discovered more of Him and less of yourself. You have discovered real life, because you have discovered who you were created to be.

You are called. I am called. We can say yes or no. May we continually surrender to the God of peace who creates His purity of heart in each of us! May we stand blameless and strong through the years knowing that the Lord who has called is faithful to supply all His strength for our journey! We can rely totally on Him because He is faithful, constant. and never changes. Just how willing are we to really know this God who gives us the freedom to say yes or no? Enough to let go of our attempt at control and allow Him to bring out our best? You and I are the only ones who can answer that question.

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Pursue Good

  See that none render evil for evil unto any man; but ever follow that which is good, both among yourselves, and to all men.  —1 Thessaloni...