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Thursday, December 29, 2016

Does He Hear Me?

“If you refuse to obey what you have been taught, your prayers will not be heard” (Proverbs 28:9, NCV).

Last night at our prayer time our pastor shared this verse from Proverbs. What does it mean for my life? What does it require of me? When I lay my prayer requests upon God’s precious altar I want to know that He has heard my heart.  If I want my prayers to be heard by the Lord then I choose to daily obey what He has taught me—what His Word instructs. All He asks is that I walk in obedience to Him—that I love Him—that I serve Him with all my heart and soul (Deuteronomy 10:12). I choose to study and know His Word and allow its message to change my heart. I choose to live its precepts. I choose to serve Him with all my heart and soul. Jesus was tempted in every way that I am—yet He never sinned. He understands what I face and how hard my temptation can be. He also never gave in to temptation. With His power I can live a sinless life—if I choose it. And if I live a life that honors Him I can approach His throne with confidence knowing that He hears my requests and will help me in my time of need. (Hebrews 4:15-16). Living a holy life and praying are inseparable. One effects the other. Living a life worthy of His love drives me to spend time with Him in prayer. My prayers never change God. Prayer changes me to grow in His grace until the desires of His heart become mine. And that is where the miracle of spiritual oneness is found—where He becomes all that I am not.

Copyright 2016 Lynn Hampton Lacher

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