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Thursday, December 22, 2016

Waiting in His Power

“But those who wait for the Lord [who expect, look for, and hope in Him] will gain new strength and renew their power. They will lift up their wings [and rise up close to God] like eagles [rising toward the sun]” (Isaiah 40:31, AMP).

What an incredible verse! And what an encouraging promise! If I wait on the Lord, He will renew my strength, and I will gain new power. Even if I am tired and weary, I can find—expect—look for—and hope in Him. I get into all kinds of trouble when I attempt to hurry ahead of God and try to move my own mountains. Nothing lasting can be accomplished in my own strength. In fact I can make a real mess of a situation if I don't wait on Him. His timing is perfect. Mine isn't. His thoughts and ways are perfect. Mine aren't. Waiting on the Lord is necessary for my spiritual growth. Patience is a quality that He cultivates, and rewards.

Anytime I run ahead of the Lord, I create a mess. Anytime I trust my own strength, I discover problems and even create problems that would have never happened if I had waited on God. When I seek the Lord for His strength and His guidance, I receive His direction and anointing to move in His power—or to wait in His power. I stand—every spiritual muscle within me coiled tightly in His power—ready to spring into action when He calls. I become an instrument to be shaped by His Hand instead of trying to mold myself on the potter's wheel.

Do I want new strength and renewed power? If I spend intimate daily time with the Lord praying, studying the Word, and listening for His voice, I shall know what He desires and when He desires it. No more running ahead of Him—no more walking behind Him—He becomes the power living within me that claims and steers my life. Whether I move ahead or wait on Him, it will be in His purpose and strength. Whatever He asks I will do with all my heart, mind, and spirit. Where He leads I will follow. I will wait expectantly, or I will move without hesitation. I will respond as He calls. And I will be lifted continually—like on wings of eagles—to bask in the intimacy of His presence. There I will be renewed and empowered again and again to wait and to hope for what He wishes for my life.

Copyright 2016 Lynn Hampton Lacher

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