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Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Something about His Name

I remember the first time that I was captivated by the chorus “There’s Just Something about That Name”.  It was that long ago moment—sometime in the 1970s—when I popped my new 8-track in and heard the version my sister’s group had recorded. Not only was the harmony exquisite, but the message was powerful. Through many years the memories that chorus has imparted have been wonderful. But not only the memories that recording inspires are wonderful. So is the name. There is something about Jesus’ name.

Sunday our pastor spoke about the names of Jesus revealed in Isaiah 9:6. “For a child is born to us, a son is given to us. The government will rest on his shoulders. And he will be called: Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and the Prince of Peace” (NLT). These names reveal His nature, His wisdom, His power, His promise, and His peace. They reveal who He is to us— and how much He loves us.

As our Wonderful Counselor He brings an incredible joy that surpasses earthly happiness. His joy carries us through heartbreak and pain. He replaces what is dark in our lives with the light of His presence. He speaks abundant life to the death that despair and defeat impart. We can take our concerns and pain of our heart to Him, and He comforts us. His Word guides and counsels us so that we will discover our greatest potential. Through His wisdom we receive direction, and we receive purpose. When we follow what He desires we not only experience the strength that His joy brings. We live in the purpose He has designed for us. And with His purpose comes fulfillment that no earthly person, place, or thing can offer.

As our Mighty God He brings power to carry us safely through (and sometimes miraculously above) the storms of life. The disasters that come against us become as nothing when met with His power. The difficulties that overwhelm are reduced to miniscule issues when He acts. His ways are higher than ours. Often that is forgotten when we are tormented by thoughts of might be, could be, or what if. Keeping our thoughts upon Him discourages fear and allows His peace to settle our minds. Yes, He is our Prince of Peace—the only one who has the power to destroy disillusionment and the dread upon which we often dwell.  His perfect peace is found when we focus upon Him and not upon our problems. Then we can think of what is uplifting and promising, and trust God to take care of the issues we face.

Our Everlasting Father will never leave us or forsake us. When we give Him full access to our life—when we allow Him to take care of what we are unable to fix—when we long for Him to set us free from our fears—that is when we depend upon Him and need His guidance. We need to understand His Word so we can trust His ways that we do not always understand. When we seek His instruction we intentionally become less so that He can become more. As our father He disciplines us when sin claims our heart so that we can know forgiveness and experience the joy of His freedom. He also continually prunes our selfish hearts to love beyond ourselves—to learn the joy of giving ourselves away. He is our Everlasting Father who grounds us in truth and holds us secure in His promise.

He is abundance of life—joy—peace. He promises beyond what our minds can fathom. Wonderful Counselor. Mighty God. Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. There is something about His name.

Lynn Hampton Lacher

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