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Monday, February 27, 2017

I Am His Responsibility

“Day by day the Lord takes care of the innocent, and they will receive an inheritance that lasts forever” (Psalm 37:18, NLT).

Christ paid the ultimate price for my sin. I cannot fathom His pain and His agony. I cannot fathom His loneliness and separation from His father when He who had no sin took mine. He gave all of himself so that I might be free from sin and death. I am not my own. I have been bought with the greatest price. I belong to Him. In Him I am stand innocent. I am His to love—His to guide—His to fill with grace—His to use. It might be hard to grasp that there is the deepest love that would die for me, but when I grasp it I know that all I have been is gone, and I am new.

I have always been taught that because He bought me with His life that I must serve Him—obey Him—live for Him. This is true but what I may fail to realize is that I am His responsibility. It is His responsibility to supply my every need. It is His responsibility to carry me through the hard times. When He died for me God made me personal. When I belong to Him He owns my heart and my life. My responsibility is to surrender self and allow Him to live through me. As He died for me I die daily so that He lives in me. It His responsibility to empower my surrendered life.

“The sacrifice you desire is a broken spirit,” David cried.  “You will not reject a broken and repentant heart, O God” (Psalm 51:17, NLT). I come to Him and lay my broken spirit down. I am accepted. I am known. I am filled. I am free. He is my forever inheritance.

(Copyright 2017 Lynn Hampton Lacher)

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