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Friday, February 24, 2017

Live Me

"The world has heard about me," He whispers. "What it needs is to know me. Do you speak about me, and then are surprised when your words have little impact? They are only words about me. They are not my words living in you. For others to know me you must live the difference I have wrought in your life. The world needs to see me in your life. It doesn't need to just hear about my power but it needs to experience it through you. It doesn't need to just hear about my peace but it needs to see it alive in your life. It needs to see your inner calm and faith no matter what your circumstances. It doesn't need to just hear about my joy, but it needs to see joy spring up from depths trust in my faithfulness to you. It doesn't need to just hear of my love and forgiveness, but it needs to experience my love through you. If you will live a surrendered and obedient life the world will see me in you. They may accept or reject me, but they will have experienced my power in you—my peace and joy in you—my forgiveness and love through you. It is never your place to save. It is only your place to live what I have done in your life. Be my vessel, and I will do the work. Live me."

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