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Wednesday, May 17, 2017

A Yielded Tool

O Lord, you are our Father. We are the clay, and you are the potter. We all are formed by your hand.
—Isaiah 64:8, NLT

A tool is not worth anything until it is used. If I am a hammer, I can’t pound a nail if someone does not pick me up and put muscle behind me. To be a tool in God’s hands, I must allow Him to pick me up and apply His spiritual muscle. I have no skill or power on my own, but as a tool in His hands, my skill is limitless. My strength is assured. Unlike a hammer, I have a will to surrender. If I try to hammer that nail on my own and without His help, it becomes crooked and unable to be pounded flush into its target. My power is limited, and my view is flawed. The direction in which I need to aim is out of focus. His view of that nail is perfect, and in His hands, I hit that target perfectly.

My life is only a piece of clay to be molded into His instrument—a tool to be fired for His purpose. He is the master potter who molds and fires my life into a tool which is strong enough to serve Him.  Circumstances teach lessons, and with surrender to His will, build character to stay the course. I am finely tuned by His Hand for the target He has chosen me to hit. That target is His purposeHis vision for my life. I will surrender my life for that purpose, and become the tool He wishes to design. With all of my will yielded to His purpose, my life will hit that target squarely. His power will drive it home, and I will be a vessel, a tool, with which He has wrought His best.

© 2017 Lynn Lacher

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