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Thursday, January 11, 2018


And what do you benefit if you gain the whole world but lose your own soul?  Is anything worth more than your soul? —Mark 8:36-37 (NLT)

The human heart longs to be recognized—to be loved—to be praised. Even though God created us that way, laying these things down is what is required for the soul to flourish. You can gain accolade or acknowledgement or money or status or possessions, but, you will discover that nothing is worth more than your soul. Surrendering feelings longing to be fulfilled—surrendering the very things God has imparted—shows Him that He is worth more to you than anything you have been given. You only learn the heart of the giver when you lay down the feelings which remind you what you believe is your right to own. You only draw closer to Him when nothing stands in your way.

Jesus died so you would not lose your own soul. He knew that nothing was worth more in your life than His love for you. Although He was completely divine, He lived a human life just like your own, subject to feelings, pain, heartache, and brokenness. Yet, He lived a life of surrender that demanded no rights. He had feelings, but He laid them down. He had pain in His heart, but that pain was not for Him. It was for you. You were more important to Him than His own life.

What do you offer Him in return for His gift in your life?  Do you allow your needs and feelings to determine your worth? Or do you lay down what you have been given to receive what He offers at Calvary?  That is where clarity strikes home, and you see yourself for who you really are....a sinner saved by grace.

©2018 Lynn Lacher

Lynn’s Daily Devotion at

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