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Friday, January 5, 2018

From Beggar to Billionaire

By Andrea Higgins

If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him?
—Luke 11:13

My existence used to be so dependent on everyone else. I was a slave to the compliments or complaints of others. If they liked me, I had a good day; if they hated me, I had a bad day.

I was like a beggar going from person to person begging for some morsel of love so I could feel good. But it never really mattered how much I got; it was never enough. Most of the time I felt bad, “blah” at best with a few “feel goods” on occasion.

Finding myself abandoned and alone I was in a crisis. Instead of begging others to love me, I started begging my Father in heaven to change me, fill me with the Holy Spirit, and grant me the supernatural ability to love others.

Peace and joy flooded my dry, thirsty soul. I started seeing the people around me with new eyes. Instead of begging for love, I began giving love to others. I went from beggar to billionaire. When we truly experience the power of the Holy Spirit, we cannot remain the same.

So how about you?  Are you a beggar or a billionaire?

©2018 Andrea Higgins

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