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Friday, April 6, 2018

Mountain Moving Faith

At the moment you sell stock you receive its face value. You wish for the highest yield.  However, you never really know when the time is right to redeem it. Unlike cashing in stock at the perfect moment, any time is the right time to redeem your faith in Jesus Christ. He paid the full price for its redemption! The face value is fixed at the very highest return, and yields an immeasurable promise—everything is possible with God.

What sort of faith believes this? It’s the kind which knows the promise and remains focused on it—even when it can’t be seen (Hebrews 11:1). Can you really have such confidence in God’s provision for whatever lies ahead?  Jesus exclaims, “Yes!”

One day Jesus led Peter, James and John high upon a mountain, and “there he was transfigured. His face shone like the sun, and his clothes became as white as the light” (Matthew 17:2).  The three disciples saw Jesus speaking with Moses and Elijah. Excited over the miraculous vision before him, Peter proclaimed, “Lord, I will put up three shelters—one for you, one for Moses and one for Elijah!”  Suddenly a cloud covered the disciples and blinded them to the vision they had just witnessed. Out of the cloud God spoke, “This is my beloved Son! Listen to what He tells you” (Matthew17:4-5).

After descending from the mountain, a man approached Jesus and told him that the disciples he had left behind were unable to heal his son of seizures. “O unbelieving generation!” Jesus exclaimed. He rebuked the demon, and the boy was immediately healed” (Matthew 17:17-18).  The disciples asked why they weren’t able to drive out the demon. “You have so little faith!” Jesus retorted. “If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can tell this mountain to move! Nothing will be impossible” (Matthew 17:20). 

The transfiguration for the other three disciples created a strong emotional response based on what was seen. On the mountain God had told them to trust what Jesus had to say—not what they felt or saw.  Sensory perception doesn’t inspire greater faith. When Peter, James, and John raised their heads from the ground they only saw Jesus. “When you can’t see,” God whispers, “trust what I reveal through my Son” (Matthew 7:5).  

The transfiguration created emotional fervor upon the mountain while those disciples left behind had been unable to drive out a demon. Jesus called them an unbelieving generation. Perhaps these three disciples on the mountain weren’t the ones who failed in casting out the demon, but the message is clear. Jesus Christ is all that is necessary to have great faith. 

Mountain-moving faith might or might not remove your mountain, but it does mean that its ability to control your life has ended. Faith in the Lord’s provision is the only way you can move the mountain or put it beneath your feet. Whether God wishes to teach you a lesson or miraculously remove it, the responsibility for its purpose rests solely upon Him.

"I am the Lord, the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for me” (Jeremiah 32:27)?   It’s doesn’t matter how big the mountain might be. The mountain-mover can always be taken at infinite face value. If God says it, He means it (Hebrews 16:15)!

© 2018 Lynn Lacher

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