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Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Free to Be Yours

Praise the Lord, my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name. Praise the Lord, my soul, and forget not all his benefits—who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases,
—Psalm 103:1-3 (NIV)

Lord, you forgive all my sins, and you heal all my diseases. Your life given for me on Calvary was not a partial work. It was a complete work. When you cried out “it is finished”—in that one unselfish moment you took your last breath, sin was defeated. Illness was defeated. My human need to seek retribution—to be justified—was defeated. Human right was defeated. Your love on the cross was all about me. Yet your love on Calvary cries out for my love to not be about me. Your unselfish love has the power to set me free from my own selfishness.

You rose from death to life so that I also might rise to new life in you! If I am a part of your defeat of sin at Calvary, I am most certainly a part of your resurrected new life! Lord, there is no time in you. You see the full spectrum. I leave behind sin—past, present, and future—on the brazen altar of your sacrifice and enter the resurrected joy of your amazing grace! I praise you from the depths of my soul! I don’t need to have my own way. I don’t have a point to make. It is not about me. You are all that matters. I am forgiven! I can forgive! I am loved! I can love!

Holy Spirit, teach me what your finished work on Calvary means for my life. I leave my own thoughts, desires, and needs behind on that altar of sacrifice! You call me. I enter your presence, and you draw me close. Your heart beats with mine. You lavish the oil of your grace all over me. There is nothing else but your never-ending love. I am free to be yours.

© 2018 Lynn Lacher

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