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Thursday, December 27, 2018

Handle with Care

You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love.
—Galatians 5:13 (NIV)

Dear Lord Jesus,

How can we praise you enough for your blessings?  Most of the time we focus on our own needs or what we haven’t seen accomplished.  You do a perfect work each day. Help us to understand it! Open our eyes so that we recognize not only your amazing work in our hearts but also in others. We pray for those who haven’t experienced your grace to be set free from illnesses which hang on—physical pain that weakens—emotional distress that wounds—despair that can lead to depression. Lord, we seek you to change us. We yearn for more of you—to surrender our rights—to become the potential that you see. All of these and more, we lay at your feet. Broken and spilled out, we come, Lord. You were broken and spilled out for us. Now healed by your love on Calvary, we lay down these needs upon your altar and rise to peace and victory in your presence. Fill us with your power, Holy Spirit, and with humility to handle each spiritual gift you impart with great wisdom. Guided by your care and discernment, your gifts heal a broken heart—encourage a struggling soul—raise a soul to walk in freedom. The potential is limitless. 

Keep us humble in your power, Lord Jesus. We can speak hope and life. We also can speak discouragement and despair. Our actions and reactions can either encourage healing or offer death. We are either a blessing or a curse to someone else. It is our choice to live a surrendered life—to honor another person’s heart more than our own. When we choose you, Lord, your Spirit is ours. You impart your life to us without reservation. But with the power you bestow, comes the responsibility to handle your spiritual gifts with respect and care—with grace and compassion.  When living your freedom, it can be so easy to indulge the flesh—suddenly to find that we are not surrendered to you but to our own desires. Keep up humble so we can be healed, filled, and empowered. Continually make our surrender your power. Never let us make it greater or less than your purpose. But always as you wish. 

Copyright © 2018 Lynn Lacher

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