I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.
—Romans 8:38-39 (NLT)
Are you convinced of this Scripture? Being convinced changes your whole perspective on the love of God. Faith anchors your life, and you know without a doubt that nothing separates you from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus! You are able to stand during difficult times. You believe that neither death nor life nor fear nor any demon nor power in all creation can remove His love.
God never moves away from the child His Son has saved. When we don’t spend time in prayer and the Word, we miss the encouragement and truths that He continually sends to spiritually grow our lives. Some become convinced that when they can’t feel Him, He does not care and that He has moved away. And then there are those who believe beyond what the natural eye sees and know that nothing will ever be able to separate them from the love of God. They can believe without feeling. The beauty of believing without feeling is that times with God become richer as you trust Him. You just know that you know. Worship moves beyond emotional feeling to glorious intimacy. With that glorious intimacy, there is great faith which anchors. Faith that believes finds constant joy in trust. Times with the Lord move from emotional feelings to a deep spiritual awareness and a heart-to heart closeness.
Jesus blessed me with hours of intimacy with Him in the hospital. It was a different consciousness. I was not aware where I was in the physical, but in the spiritual He was right next to me continually expressing His love and His heart. I had an incredible awareness of heaven. I could feel those who had gone before. Some I just knew who they were without recognizing anyone. Some I could hear speaking to those they love. Others I didn’t hear a thing. Altogether it was a chorus of worship. A place of waterfalls and lush mountains and exquisite peace, I knew that each one enjoyed their greatest joy in heaven to the fullest.
In the hospital I couldn’t read my Bible because my vision was blurred. But the Holy Spirit brought to mind His truth. When I realized where I was and what had happened to me, I knew I had experienced the love of God beyond what I had ever known or written about. I hesitate to write now because there are no written words to describe the eternal.
I went into that hospital believing that nothing could separate me from the love of God through the gift of His Son, Jesus. My experience in the hospital, though physically painful, was filled with His joy. I had no fear. I knew He was with me. I knew that He would never leave me or forsake me. This knowledge was born of the Word and of years of personal experience with Him. I believed this Scripture. I had learned through years of standing on it and on other promises He had revealed in His Word.
You have your own faith! Allow Him to show you—to grow it—to impart truth to you. I am just a little cog in this gift of life. I am no more special than anyone else. He has blessed me beyond what I ever thought possible. His blessings for you are just for you. His time with you is just for you.
Seek His heart. He has so much to show you. And believe that nothing in heaven or earth—no power in all of creation, will separate you from His love. That is truth.
© 2020 Lynn Lacher
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