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Monday, May 4, 2020

Only Perfection

Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls.
—Matthew 11:29 (NLT)

Are you a perfectionist? Are you tired of struggling to be just right in everything you do? Well, that is impossible. You can't make life perfect. You will make mistakes. When we try to handle everything without relying on the Holy Spirit, we will never discover rest—only frustration and dissatisfaction. 

The yoke or burdens we impose on ourselves in life are endless and massive—countless lists and obligations. The yoke Jesus offers is easy and light. Jesus is not an obligation! He is our gift! When we quit struggling in our self-righteousness to be good enough and accept the gift of His righteousness, we start seeing His purpose in our lives as the only surrender that brings any joy. 

Jesus is humble and gentle at heart! Just as a Lamb, He allowed Himself to be slaughtered for us. Jesus didn't fight His purpose to die for our sins. He surrendered to His Father's will. He had nothing to prove—only a life to offer. We don't have anything to prove anymore to win God's acceptance and love. Because of the humble gift of His Son on the Cross, God's love is not dependent on anything we do. Jesus changed everything so we could be His. No more striving to prove that we are His. It is the gift we could never earn. 

Allow Him to guide you. Let Him perfect what is so hard to change. The Son of God who saved you does not let you flounder and drown. He asks you to let go as He let go. "Not my will, Father, only yours," He said. Trust the Savior who saved you to teach you. Rest in the finished work of Jesus. You never can make anything perfect. He is the only perfection.

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