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Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Remain in Me

But if you remain in me and my words remain in you, you may ask for anything you want, and it will be granted. When you produce much fruit, you are my true disciples. This brings great glory to my Father.
—John 15:7-8 (NLT)

The only answer for peace is Jesus. When the world is trying to regain an economic footing, the only peace is in Christ. When evil smears disease throughout the world, He is the only peace. To experience His peace continually, I remain in Him. I pray. I digest His Word. I train my thoughts not to listen to the enemy but to believe as Jesus has spoken. The Holy Spirit remains in me. Not because of anything I’ve done. But because of who He is. 

I am so thankful that my peace is not based on what I've done. If it were, I would be at the mercy of the world all around me. When I have His peace, I believe I can ask Him for anything. I ask from a confident heart, knowing He will provide from His bountiful love for me. I will not lack anything because He has already given me everything—His very life. A confident heart that believes is not a prideful heart. A prideful heart is a heart that trusts its own ability. Trusting Jesus to wash feet is a lesson in humility that is missing.

When the Holy Spirit produces fruit through me, it is His fruit—not mine. He owns that fruit. It is His responsibility to keep producing fruit. I surrender to His love. I don't have to manufacture one thing. I remain in Him. He is my focus. The Word is His truth, which transforms my mind to believe beyond my human limitations. When I believe in the fullness of life Jesus purchased for me, He produces more fruit. His righteousness trains me. I am His disciple. I have no time for what I can accomplish anymore. I only yearn for what He can accomplish through me.

When I give up my control and give Him control, there is no reason to worry about anything. I don't carry the problems of my life. He does. Continually living in His presence, is peace. Peace believes in His promise. Jesus said this incredible truth about faith to the centurion when asked to heal his servant: "Let it be done just as you believed it would” (Matthew 8:13, NIV). His peace is my ultimate healing.

My friend, believe Him. Yield to the Holy Spirit's peace. Quit waging war on your own. Allow His fruit in your life to be determined by Him. Remain in Him. Just be His instrument, and you are then His true disciple. You will bring great joy to the Father and great peace to you.

©2020 Lynn Lacher

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