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Friday, February 17, 2023

Life to You


Jesus asked Saul on the road to Damascus why he persecuted Him (Acts 9:4).


You don’t have to be an unbeliever like Saul was for Jesus to ask you this question. 


Jesus also told Saul not to kick against the pricks in Acts 9:5 in the KJV and NKJV. This statement by Jesus to Saul is not in most other translations. 


The Holy Spirit knows our human nature. Our human nature tempts us to kick against the pricks of the Holy Spirit guiding us toward what is best for our lives. Our human mind kicks against His revelation of truth because it mind can’t understand it. 


The truth of God’s Word comes against what is not true. It reveals any untruth that is real within us. What we believe becomes who we are. If we believe anything that comes against the truth the Holy Spirit wishes to reveal to us, then the thing we believe is a lie on which we have based our lives. We can’t rationalize God’s truth with our natural minds. The only way we can understand God’s truth is with the spiritual mind that is ours in Christ.


Is the Holy Spirit pricking you about something you believe? Is He trying to reveal something new to you through God’s Word? Does this something challenge what you believe?  Will you pray about it? Will you test it with other Scripture? Will you be open to the Holy Spirit and give Him time? Will you not rush Him by needing an immediate answer? If what you believe is a lie, you want it out of your life. You can’t judge it with your natural mind. You can only understand it spiritually. 


It is only when we allow the Holy Spirit to reveal to us God’s truth that we can know if what we believe is based on tradition or on His truth. If what we have always believed is God’s truth, it will withstand the test. If what we have believed is not based on His truth, we need to realize that any change doesn’t happen quickly. It is a process that renews our minds with God's truth until what we believe in our hearts conforms us to His image.


God can handle your questioning. Perhaps, the Holy Spirit is pricking what you believe. Maybe, He isn’t. God's truth will always prevail. But it will only prevail in your life when you allow it to challenge any belief you hold on to that is not His truth. 


God’s truth is the final authority in your life. But it makes no difference to you if you don’t understand it. His truth only becomes your truth when choose to believe it by faith—when you take possession of it and make it your truth.


No matter how much head knowledge you have, it is not the revealed truth of God’s Word that takes root in your heart. Dare to go where, perhaps, you have not gone before. Dare to challenge what you have always believed. Dare to be open to God’s revelation in His Word. His Word is final, finished, and unchanging. Yet, it is a living Word breathed into you by the Holy Spirit. Don’t persecute His truth. Allow His truth to prick and challenge you. Allow blindness to be gone. His Word is life to you.


© 2023 Lynn Lacher



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