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Tuesday, February 14, 2023

My Blessing



Be still, and know that I am God.

—Psalm 46:10 NKJV



Be still, child. I know your situation before you speak one word to me. I haven’t led you into something that won’t come to pass. Your circumstance may seem like a wasteland right now, but let me assure you. It isn’t. Your promise is just as real as when I revealed it to you. Don’t get frustrated by what you don’t see happening. Just because you don’t see or feel your promise doesn’t mean that I’ve not worked it out. My work is in you. I have much to teach you. I want you convinced that my Word is truth and life. But you have to allow me to teach and convince you. 


You will find strength in quietness. You will find strength when you place confidence in me. Don’t lean on your own understanding. Let go. Quit trying to fix my work. Your work frustrates my grace. It hinders. Just because you can’t see or feel what I’m doing right at this moment doesn’t mean it isn’t true. I reveal myself all the time. Often, you allow other things to pull you away from resting in me and to keep you from hearing me. Be still. Listen to me with all your heart. Be expectant. I want to reveal to you the work I’m doing in you. Don’t make my promise to you a work that you try to achieve. Don’t run ahead of what I alone accomplish in you. In seeking—in rest—in everything, acknowledge me. I counsel you and reveal myself in you. 


You have received my greatest gift, my child. New life in me! Always rejoice in the gift of my life for yours! Praise me! I declared at the moment I gave my life for you that your life was worth my righteousness. I have given you your promise. You will see this with my understanding when you let go and believe me. Dwell in me. Rest in me. Trust me. I remain always the strength of your heart. I am in you, and you are in me. Nothing that comes against you will prosper.  I am your righteous victory over everything. You have inherited my blessing. All my blessings are yours. Open the gift of my life. My promises are yes to you, and they are amen. 


Let me do the work in you. And you will believe me. You will receive what only my love could earn.


© 2023 Lynn Lacher



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