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Monday, January 22, 2024

Blessed to Bless

Some people resign themselves to where they are in life. They might say they are contented, but if you offered them a joyous life, they would take it. If you offered them good health, they would take it. Many times those who say they are contented are only resigned. 


Are we resigned in our expectations of God?  Or do we see beyond where we are in life and believe the truths He has for us? If He offered us more, would we take it? 


God does offer us more. Not one of us fully understands all God wishes to reveal to us. Are we resigned or do we hunger to receive what He has bought for us with His precious blood? Do we yearn to intimately know Him, the hope of His calling, the inherent riches of His glory, and the exceedingly great power given to us who believe?  


The Holy Spirit has come to reveal the goodness of God to us—the goodness that while we were yet sinners, God loved and blessed us beyond what we deserved. The greatest exchange took place. Jesus became our sin, and we became God’s righteousness. The righteousness—the goodness—of God in us leads us to repentance. It is the love of Jesus that declares our hearts are right and good with God. The potential for God’s good is real in us. 


“A good man out of the good treasure of the heart brings forth good things” (Matthew 12:35).


Have you considered the potential for increase God has placed in your heart and mind?


The words of your mouth speak either life or death, and you will experience the result of what you say (Proverbs 18:20-21). When you speak life, you are speaking God’s increase into your life. However, His abundant life is not just about you receiving blessings. It is really about you being able to bless others. 


“You will be enriched in every way to be generous in every way” (2 Corinthians 9:11).


To understand the truths of God, we must increase in our knowledge and understanding of Him. The Holy Spirit cannot teach or lead you into God’s truth until you believe His purpose is to guide you into all truth. If you are resigned to staying where you are—if you do not wish to know and take hold of all God has for you, you will not increase. If you do not increase, not only will you lack, but others will, too. Mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically, you will live an unfulfilled life. 


“May the Lord give you increase more and more, you and your children” (Psalm 115:14).


The very nature of God is "increase." God’s Word is the incorruptible seed that increases when sowed into your heart. When protected from the cares of the world and the deceit of the enemy, His Word produces fruit in your life. God’s expectation is for His Word to work in you “exceeding abundantly more than we can ask or think” (Ephesians 3:20).


God’s abundance begins with a revelation of His unconditional love and purpose in your life. The love of Jesus has provided for your whole life—mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically. You are new in Him. He has blessed you beyond human understanding, and He wants to reveal Himself to you. The Holy Spirit has come to reveal all Jesus has purchased on your behalf. He wants to increase in you to sow into the lives of others. But until you sow Him into your heart, you will remain resigned and live beneath all God has for you. 


You are blessed to bless others. But you need to increase in the knowledge of the blessings you have received in Christ to know what you have to share.  Open yourself to the Holy Spirit. Receive God’s love as you never have received it before. Sow His love and expect more. Sow every good and perfect gift you have received from the Father. Sow the peace and joy you have and bless others. Sow your gifts. Sow your talents. Bring forth the good of God that is in your heart.








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