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Monday, January 29, 2024

Exalting Him



Be still, and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth!

—Psalm 46:10



In Psalm 46:8, the psalmist declared that God’s power and might are discernable if we have the hearts to perceive. Psalm 46:10 tells us how to acquire that type of heart. We have to be still and listen. God is continually sharing His heart with us and revealing what He is doing in our lives, but we are often too busy to be still long enough to hear Him. It is in the stillness we more easily perceive what God is doing in us. It is in our quiet and undivided time with Him we hear His voice.

Psalm 46:10 tells us to be still and know that He is God. 

To “know” God is the deepest intimacy where two become one. To know Christ is to know the Father. In Jesus, we are joined to God spiritually. He is in us and we are in Him. But we must be spiritually conscious of this union of our spirits with His Spirit to receive the Word He longs to quicken in our hearts.  

When we are still and desiring to understand this spiritual connection we have with Him, we grow more in our knowledge of the new life He has given us. The Holy Spirit is our tutor. We grow in the knowledge of the grace we have received. We grow more spiritually aware of His presence and His work in us. The Holy Spirit teaches and guides us and reveals exactly what we spiritually need at the moment it makes the greatest impact. 

The peace of God guards our hearts. Our time with God is peace. Our spiritual connection with Him is the peace Jesus has purchased for us. We receive His love and guidance in His peace—not in unrest and doubt. We receive His spiritual gifts in His peace—not in unrest and doubt. 

The all-powerful and holy God has come to live within you. The Holy Spirit proves this in you. To know God’s greatness and to perceive His work in your life you must be still. The busyness of life will keep you from that knowledge. Being still is not just withdrawing from your busy life. It is meditating and reflecting on the loving goodness of your Father. It is opening yourself to His Word. You still yourself. You calm your mind. You calm your fear and let go and trust your Father. He will keep you in perfect peace when you are attuned to Him. In your stillness with Him, you receive from the Oneness you have in Him. His Spirit has all truth to reveal to your spirit in your quietness with Him.  

God is always first in our lives. He is always working, but we can become so busy we miss what He is doing. Being still makes us more aware of His truth revealing His promises in our lives. God is always being exalted throughout the world—He is always working—He is always providing—He is always healing—He is always revealing Himself, but we can miss Him if we are too busy with the affairs of this life. Whether it is doing His work or living through hard circumstances or striving to receive His love, He wants you to just stop and know who He is in you. He wants to reveal Himself to you. He does not withhold Himself from you. 

Don’t hurry to work and to do. Don’t rush to prove yourself to God. Be still and just listen. Allow God to prove and reveal Himself to you. Calm your thoughts and know He is God. In the quietness of knowing Him, as He reveals Himself more and more to you, He makes you a part of His praise. Your knowing Him—spirit to spirit—impacts your heart and exalts Him. In the stillness, your spirit worships and exalts Him.  


© 2024 Lynn Lacher




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