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Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Paul’s Prayer for You


Have you ever had something you hadn’t seen before in the Word suddenly jump off the page? You knew without a doubt it was God’s Word for you. You had read that verse numerous times before, but you had never seen it with such clarity or had it to speak to you so completely. Unexpectedly, it was suddenly unhidden for you. You had received a revelation of God’s truth in your heart.

Paul knew the importance of receiving the revelation of God’s Word. He prayed for the Ephesian Christians “that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him” (Ephesians 1:17). Paul’s prayer is for us too. We need to look at the words “wisdom” and “revelation” to know what Paul is saying. 

The word “wisdom” in this verse is from the Greek word “sophias.” It is a word used to describe insight or wisdom not received naturally. Paul said in 1 Corinthians 2:14 that the things of God are foolishness to our natural mind. The wisdom of God that Paul speaks of here is not human wisdom. It is the supernatural wisdom of God—His divine insight that can only be discerned spiritually.

The word “revelation” is from the Greek word “apokalupsis.” It signifies something that has been veiled or hidden and then suddenly becomes clear and discernable. Think of flying above clouds in a plane. Those clouds are so thick they block your vision of what is below. The plane descends, and suddenly the panorama of the earth is before you. What you now see has always been there for you to enjoy, but the clouds have blocked your vision. The moment the clouds are suddenly removed, you have a revelation of what has been hidden from you.

In the same sense, God’s truths that we now hold on to and that are life to us were once veiled and hidden. Those truths had always been there in the Word but were concealed from our sight. But once the Holy Spirit knew the time was right, the veil that blocked our vision was removed. Our minds instantly saw and understood. We had a revelation of God’s truth that we received at just the time it was needed.

God is for you. The Holy Spirit does not hide His truth from His children. The Word is hidden from those of the world who do not have the mind of Christ to discern it. The Word is only hidden from us until the Holy Spirit reveals it to us. Paul prayed for God to give the Ephesians a spirit of wisdom and revelation because they needed spiritual insight beyond their own human understanding. He prayed for them to be supernaturally empowered to see what they could never see by themselves.

Our human understanding limits us. We will never be intelligent enough to understand God’s truth by ourselves. We need wisdom and revelation knowledge that only the Holy Spirit imparts. 

Do you need His clarity and guidance? The Holy Spirit has all of God's truth to reveal to you. Pray Ephesians 1:17 for your own life. Ask Him to give you “a spirit of wisdom and revelation in your knowledge of Him.” God has all the answers you need. He can suddenly remove the veil that has blocked your vision and help you clearly see the truths you need to understand to live your life to His fullest.

Ask, and God will reveal His truth to you. Seek, and you will find it. Knock, and that truth will be opened to you. Pressed down and running over, you shall receive.


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