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Thursday, March 28, 2024

Trust in the Lord



Trust in the Lord, and do good; dwell in the land, and feed on His faithfulness. Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He shall give you the desires of your heart.

—Psalm 37:3-4 (NKJV)



When we trust in the Lord and do what is right, we have this promise that we will dwell in the land and receive provision. The land spoken of was the Jews’ Promised Land. So, for us who are reborn in Christ, we have the assurance we will dwell in the fulfillment of God’s promises and receive His provision. We will not only inhabit the place He has for us, but we will do it in abundance.


Psalm 37:4 does not promise that when we trust in the Lord, He will give us whatever we desire. However, it does say that when we trust in the Lord, He will place His desires in our hearts. When we delight in the Lord, we trust Him. When we place our faith in Him, we know we will receive His guidance and direction.


The word “delight” was translated from the Hebrew word `ANAG. Strong’s Concordance states that it means, “to be soft or pliable.”  To receive guidance from the Lord, our hearts must be soft and pliable toward Him.


What we “dwell” on—or think about—is what we become sensitive to. When we “dwell” in God’s promises, our hearts are open to Him. We listen to Him and trust Him. If we don’t “dwell” on God, our hearts become hardened to His guidance and direction. Focusing on the things of God keeps our hearts soft and pliable and able to hear His voice. If our hearts are humble and sensitive toward the Lord, then His desires shall be in our hearts, and what we do shall be what He desires. 


In Psalm 1:2, David said those whose delight is in the Word of God and who meditate on His Word day and night will be blessed. This expresses what David also expressed in Psalm 37:4. When you “delight” yourself in the Word, you meditate on the Word day and night (Joshua 1:8).


Delighting yourself in the Lord and in His Word—having a soft and trusting heart—does not happen overnight. You choose to delight and place your trust in the Lord. You commit yourself not to be distracted by your circumstances or by your feelings, your emotions, and what you experience. You commit yourself to trust God’s truth and allow no thought or feeling to cause doubt. You let His Word tell you what is true instead of what you have gone through or what you are going through. You feed on God’s faithfulness. You believe what He guarantees. You place faith in the abundant and life-affirming promises of God revealed to you in Jesus Christ.


“Commit your way to the Lord. Trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass” (Psalm 37:5).


When you are not going your own way but following the path God has chosen for you, you are trusting Him to direct you (Proverbs 3:6). He will bring what He has promised to pass. 


Never have a distracted, doubting, and divided heart. Trust the Lord with all your heart (Proverbs 3:5).



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