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Friday, April 5, 2024

Divine Assistance


When you are caught in a situation and overwhelmed with despair, do you know where to turn for help? There is a distinctive work of the Holy Spirit that is always available to help you—especially in times when you feel trapped and backed into a corner with no way out.


Romans 8:26 says, “Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.”


Look at the word “intercession” in this verse. It is the Greek word “huperentugchano.”  This conveys the idea of a person who comes upon someone caught in a dilemma and quickly implements a plan to rescue the one who is in trouble.


Most of us have interceded for others in prayer, but Paul uses the word “huperentugchano” in this verse to describe an extraordinary work of divine intercession. It is a special ministry of the Holy Spirit Himself when you are at a loss for words and caught in a situation without seeing a way out. Suddenly, the Holy Spirit is there. You no longer face your challenge alone. He has marched right into your dilemma and is commencing a rescue plan to get you out.


Often, you feel you are alone. You feel defeated. There seems to be no hope.  But you are not alone, and there is hope! The Holy Spirit feels everything you feel. He understands the complete sense of inadequacy and desperation you feel. He willingly and powerfully joins you in your difficulty. He steps right into your problem with you and initiates a supernatural strategy to rescue you.


When you are trapped in an overwhelming dilemma, you don’t have to handle it alone. You have divine assistance just waiting. The Holy Spirit is always standing by, anticipating your request for help. Helping you is a part of His ministry. Never hesitate to ask Him to help you. You have no strength in your human weakness. You become strong in His supernatural power.  


Is there a challenge you are facing right now? Is there a problem that has cornered you and seems bigger than your ability to handle it?


Quit struggling to handle your dilemma alone. Realize your need for supernatural support, and open your heart to the Holy Spirit’s assistance. As you open yourself to Him, you free Him to release His supernatural power in you. An answer to every problem is available when you allow the Holy Spirit to work His powerful ministry of intercession in your life.


Holy Spirit, thank you for joining me in today's challenges. You are my Helper, Guide, Teacher, and Intercessor. You are the One who aggressively meets my problems and powerfully overcomes them. I will listen to your voice wanting to partner with me in my needs. When I need help, you are right by my side, ready to help me and to pull me through each challenge that I face. I open my heart today for you to join me as my divine partner so I can be more than a conqueror in every situation. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


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