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Monday, September 30, 2024

His Light Overcomes the Darkness



Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.

—Romans 8:37



This day is extraordinary, like none other in history. We are preparing for the end of the greatest spiritual rivalry of all time: the rivalry between evil and good and darkness and light. Jesus is the absolute and final winner over evil and darkness. His light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not understood it (John 1:5). But His truth does not change. You may have tribulation, but be of good cheer. Jesus has overcome the world (John 16:33). His light overcomes. 

Fortified by the Word and empowered by the Holy Spirit, believers in these last days will push through incredible barriers to fulfill Jesus’ directive to share the Gospel, disciple believers, heal the sick, and deliver those who are in bondage. As the Gospel is shared, evil will strengthen. But no matter the darkness, evil does not win.


When considering the turbulent issues in the world today and the signs that the end is coming, one can be tempted to worry and be anxious. But never forget God has not given you a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7). Fear is not God’s plan for your life, and fear is the wrong response to the trials we face in this world around us. There is no power in fear. Faith in our Father should be our only response to the incredible challenges taking place. God’s power is released by faith. 


Romans 8:37 is a truth for our lives in these uncertain times. “In all these things,” Paul wrote, “we are more than conquerors through him that loved us.”


Paul wrote these words during a dark and challenging time when the early church endured incredible anguish and persecution. He encouraged believers that they were “more than conquerors” through Jesus, who loved them. He reminded them that were victorious over what was happening.


For God’s truth that we are more than conquerors to resonate in our hearts, we must understand and know exactly what Paul was saying. 


The phrase “more than conquerors” comes from the Greek word “hupernikos,” the combination of the words “huper” and “nikos.” “Huper” reveals something that is overriding, supreme, paramount, superior to, unmatched by, and unsurpassed by anyone or anything. The word “nikos” describes an overcoming victorious winner. Paul’s use of these two Greek words together makes a powerful point. In Jesus Christ, we are unmatched overcomers. We are unsurpassed and supremely victorious in Him.


Does it seem today that this world is spiraling out of control? In these last days, God will pour out His Spirit. It is important that we take hold of the Holy Spirit within us. We need to lean on His understanding and not on our own. No matter what the world tries to throw at us, how terribly we are pressured and persecuted, or how severely things change, God and His Word abide forever. His truth and power remain unchanged. His power prepares us to be an unsurpassed conquering victor.


With the Word of God and the Holy Spirit’s power working in us, we are armed for anything that comes. We may face issues and situations like never before and need wisdom as we have never had it before. But if we trust the Word and rely on the Spirit’s power, we will have everything we need to triumph in Christ.


These are not just days of great darkness. These are days of great light. The people of God are called to stand strong. We are called to let His light within us shine. If the world is getting darker, we need to be getting brighter. We have to remove any darkness in our own lives so we can become the brightness of God. These are days of great evil, but with days of great evil come greater days of goodness. When evil goes from bad to worse, it is time for us to go from good to great. 


Do not fear the end times. You could have been born anytime, but God called you for such a time as this. If God has appointed you to be here, He will anoint you. If He anoints you, He will empower you. If He empowers you, you will see His victory. You can’t see a light shine in the daylight. Light is seen in the darkness. The greater the darkness, the greater the light in you that conquers it. We have to stand strong and move in total dependence on the power of the Holy Spirit, just as the apostles did at the beginning of this age. 


Don’t be alarmed by the events in this world or by the signs that reveal we are nearing the end of this age. Jesus told us about all these things so we would be prepared and spiritually ready to overcome the challenges that we see happening. Don’t let the darkness intimidate you. Just “let your light shine before men, so they may glorify your good works, and glorify your Father in heaven” (Matthew 5:16).


If we surrender to Christ in these difficult times, He will strengthen us to stand boldly for Him. By His grace, we will experience His overcoming and unsurpassed victory in whatever comes against us. We shall discover we are more than a conqueror for this time. We will end this age with Christ’s light overcoming the darkness.


God wants to pour His power and His Spirit through you. The time for fear is over. The time for faith has come. Arise and shine, for His light has come, and the glory of the Lord will be upon you (Isaiah 60:1).


The people who walked in darkness

Have seen a great light;

Those who dwelt in the land of the shadow of death,

Upon them a light has shined.

—Isaiah 9:2


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