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Saturday, December 28, 2013

Have I?

Have I grown spiritually this year? Have I continually learned from His Word? Have I given of myself as He desires? Have I followed His will for my life? Have I been His servant in the lives of others? Have I shared His hope? Have I shared His love? Have I forgiven as He has forgiven me? Have I looked for potential in others as He has always seen potential in me? Have I completely surrendered everything in my life to His wishes? Have I read and absorbed His Word until it has changed my life over and over again? Have I prayed for others with as much passion as I have prayed for myself? Have I unselfishly given myself away with no reservation? Have I given Him a sacrifice of praise when life has been hard? Have I praised Him for His faithfulness to me? Have I worshiped Him in Spirit and in Truth? Have I rejoiced with those who rejoice and cried with those who cry? Have I made myself the least so He can be the most? Have I been what He has wanted this year? Have I?

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