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Monday, December 9, 2013


John 3:16-17

After all the hurried decorating, shopping, visiting, wrapping presents, and holiday singing, we wait in anticipation for the true meaning of Christmas. Bells have rung out their message of peace while we have busied ourselves with the fun of the season. The world has rushed and hurried in the busy celebration. We have sung Christmas songs, and even carols—their words have barely touched our hearts. But now it is time. With the last caroler's fading voice, and the last bell's echoing resonance, all is quiet with hope of what this season really means. We wait breathlessly for the promise of hope for the world. 

That promise of hope is found in a little baby born to save me from my sin and to save you from yours. In one incredibly miraculous moment in God's great plan, Jesus Christ came into our world as an innocent child. He grew in God's wisdom and understanding. Completely human, and yet completely God, He understood our pain and suffering, yet He also knew the gift of His life on a cross was the only answer. Jesus gave His life for me and for you without hesitation. I stand in awe of His sacrifice and love. The most amazing thing is that He lives today! He did not stay in the grave. He rose in new life, and I can live in that new life! Such amazing love.

Lord God, I am in awe of such amazing love....that someone would actually give his life for me. I am humbled by who you are, and all that I am not. My mind cannot understand or fathom the depths of this kind of love, but my heart and my spirit cry out for its release. You came into the world to rescue me from all my failures, my sins, my hurts, my pains, and my suffering. I long to know the freedom of your great promise. I long to know your love inside my heart. Come Lord, Jesus, come, and bring the peace and joy of your presence.


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