is an Old Testament name of God that speaks of His power to redeem. He is “El
Elyon”, my “God Most High Redeemer”. There is also the New Testament name of Jesus
Christ, whose surrender at Calvary reveals more than just His power to redeem. His
surrender on the cross reveals His absolute willingness to redeem. “I will cry
to God Most High,” the psalmist wrote, “who performs on my behalf and rewards
me [who brings to pass His purposes for me and surely completes them]” (Psalm
57:2, AMP)! This “God Most High” moves on my behalf, and not only brings about
His purpose for my life, but, also, because of His grace completes what He
begins in me.
Most High” reigns over all the earth in sovereignty and final authority.
Because of His majesty, He deserves my highest praise and worship. He deserves
my constant love and respect—not just when I need something from Him. He
deserves my life and all that I have offered to Him from a grateful heart. I
must never assume to put myself in His place, but I often do when I make my own
decisions without seeking His wishes. God is the final judge of my heart—the
one who has the power to forgive me.
Old Testament “God Most High” became more than just the judge of my heart when
Jesus died on the cross. He became my “up close and personal” Redeemer! Jesus
had no sin in His life, yet He willingly took mine. He fulfilled the requirement
of the law so I might come without hindrance into His presence. When I come to
Him with a repentant heart, He delivers and saves me from all that I have been.
He hears my cry, and moves on my behalf. He blesses and rewards me. He is my
Redeemer—my Jesus—my Savior, who remains constant and unchanging. My Redeemer yearns
for me to honor and worship Him—not for what He can give me or what I believe I
deserve, but only because I love Him with all my heart. He has a purpose in the
lives of those who honor Him. His desire is for me to know the ultimate
fulfillment found in living the purpose He has designed for me.
my heart is completely surrendered and self is not an issue, I yearn to be in
God's will. If I am absolutely yielded to Him, I find His will. When I am renewed
in the spirit of my mind and transformed by His power, I discover His pleasing
and perfect will (Romans 12:1-2). If I yearn for my desire to be His desire, I
am completely willing to surrender my personal agenda for His purpose. I am
willing to wait as long as necessary for His will or His promise to come into
being. I am willing to believe in that promise even if that promise doesn't
come into sight (Hebrews 11:6). Do I get so focused on what I believe God's promise
is for my life, that I miss the truth that the spiritual growth I receive in
seeking Him is actually His will for me right now? When I am transformed into
the person He wishes for me to become, I am in His will.
Is this the year I will
surrender? Allow Him to prune self for greater growth and purpose? To understand that the God who has the power
to redeem, has redeemed me on Calvary? The Lord will change in me only what I allow.
I want to honor my “Most High Redeemer” and allow Him to bring about His
purpose in my life.
2018 Lynn Lacher
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