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Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Surrender to His Strength

I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.
—Philippians 4:13 (NLT)

When Paul wrote these words, he did not just mean that he could forge ahead in everything he wanted to do and then rely on the Lord to bestow strength. It sounds that way, but if you look a little deeper you see something more. Paul meant that for everything he was directed to do by the Lord, he could rely on the Holy Spirit to supply strength. The Lord's strength is discovered in surrender of our own wills to His—of our desires to His—of the things on our lists to get done.  It is found in allowing our weaknesses to be used for His purposes.

The work of the Holy Spirit has been hindered by our own work. Self-driven work finally wears us thin, and we burn out. Self has driven out the Spirit, and the strength that is offered. The Holy Spirit should not only be our direction, but our strength. We are to yield to Him, and wait for the strength He supplies. Like a tiger waiting to burst upon its prey, our spiritual muscles should be tightly coiled ready to spring into action at a moment's notice. We lie still in expectant rest until He calls us forth in His strength. We surrender to His strength.

What does it mean to be still and know that He is God? Those that wait upon the Lord shall not only renew their strength, they shall mount up as eagles. The Lord shall be the wind beneath their wings winging them to new heights. That wind is constant, never wavering of faltering. It is as sure as He is the cornerstone, our foundation. It supports all that we are, and in every way supplies strength for His calling, for our needs, for every moment, every concern. That strength is the beat of our hearts, and we cannot exist without it.

When we become tired and fear attempts to claim our hearts, we focus on the Lord and wait for the His guidance and direction until His strength has become our own. Our time of expectant rest should be one where His strength is renewed. We never seek to work for Him, but only with Him. Discovering that constant wind of His Spirit, we shall be carried to new heights in His strength. If we live with Him and abide in Him, He will open doors for His own purpose in our lives. We will know that in our own weakness, He is strong—that we can do nothing without Him.

© 2018 Lynn Lacher

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