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Friday, February 8, 2019


I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. 
—John 10:10

God is generous! After all He gave you His most precious gift—His life. He wants you to prosper. “Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers,” (3 John 2, NKJV). When you received Him into your heart, you didn’t partly receive Him. You received all of Him. You were born again into His new life. He has given you everything you need in this life, but knowing it comes with spiritual growth in the understanding of what His grace accomplished.

Jesus gives abundant life to us now, and abundant life for eternity. This is the reason He came. To give His life so we might receive His righteousness! To give us life instead of death! To give us victory instead of defeat! To speak peace instead of turmoil! To bring rest in the midst of the storms of life! Jesus Christ came so that we may know overflowing life in Him. In His gift to us He is the vine that empowers. We are the branches that continually receive. When the life of the vine flows into us, we bring forth new growth! We flourish in His presence.

Whatever you might face today, He has already given victory. You have received His peace, joy, healing, and abundant life in your born-again spirit. He is everything you weren’t before you knew Him. Now He lives in you. Allow the Holy Spirit to renew your mind and your perception of His life-changing gift of grace. His life flowing through your veins is abundant life at its highest. So look to Him, the author of your faith. It is only in Jesus Christ that you can have lasting peace and joy—healing of mind and body. 

Selfishness died at Calvary when Jesus gave His life, but we often don’t understand the depth of the life-altering exchange that took place. Seeking to know what you have received draws your closer to Him. You experience oneness with Him. Jesus has given you what you never deserved, and that gift has changed your life. When the Holy Spirit reveals to you what His grace means for your life, you are never the same. Peace is constant. Joy is contagious. Love flows without hindrance. His life accomplishes the miraculous in your life.

This is abundant life! This is your purpose and your promise. This is the reason He came. For you.

© 2019 Lynn Lacher

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