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Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Believe Me

I will never again remember their sins and lawless deeds. And when sins have been forgiven, there is no need to offer any more sacrifices.
—Hebrews 10:16-18 (NLT)

Why do you continually beat yourself up now that I’ve forgiven you? You believe you haven’t sacrificed yourself enough. There must be something you can do to make yourself feel forgiven—one more encouraging verse to read or one more friend to tell you that I don’t punish you. I want to share my heart with you, but you have shut me out. You believe what the enemy tells you—that you are not worthy to be in my presence—that you must pay for sin for which I already paid.

Child, I cannot convince you that the miracle of the cross will set you free. You have to believe it. I am the only perfect sacrifice for sin, and the innocence I gave up for your sake, now fills you. You are blameless in my eyes. You have no debt. You have no cross to bear. I bore that cross for you, and I paid your debt in full. 

Allow me to help you. I renew your thoughts and your mind. Not you. You do one thing. You choose to believe. If you had enough faith to accept me into your heart, you have enough faith to believe that I am the perfect sacrifice to set you free in your mind. The battle is in your mind—not your heart. I want you to understand what I have given you—my righteousness for your sin. There is no need to sacrifice yourself over and over for something I don't even remember.

Stop wavering, and choose to believe. Speak life instead of death. Be renewed in your mind by my Spirit. Praise me for the cross. You can believe in the miracle of my Grace, but until you let go of this insatiable need to pay a debt you do not owe, you will forever run a race that you will never win.

I know you are exhausted. I am here. You are loved. What more could I do for you? My work on Calvary was perfect. Sin was defeated forever—past, present, future. Believe me, my child. Lay this down and rest.

© 2019 Lynn Lacher

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