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Friday, February 22, 2019

Freedom Never Looked So Good

Grace will reign through righteousness, resulting in eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
—Romans 5:20-21 (HCSB)

Lord, Jesus, I can't be good enough! I try to be good enough, but I just can't! I try to believe you forgive me, but I feel I've done something wrong, and I go crazy trying to figure out what it is! I try not to accept the lies of the enemy. I try not to fear. I try to control my thoughts. My mind has no peace. Lord, help me!

Help you?  Child, I help you every day! I’ve never retreated from you. You have believed lies of the enemy instead of what I have told you is true. It is your choice whether I help you or not. You seem to think it is my choice. I am always available.  

You don’t believe that you are a new creature in me. Jesus yearns for you to understand that you are free from the law’s standard of never being good enough. But He will never push you to believe in the freedom of His grace. He will never force you to believe because He gives you the precious gift of choice.  His love sets you free at Calvary, but you haven't realized it because you have refused to believe. You have chosen the lies of the world and the enemy over His truth. 

You want instant change.  Life doesn’t happen that way.  Every day choose to believe you are a new person in Jesus. You choose faith over fear every day of your life. Not for just one day, but every day. Why should what is difficult for others be made more comfortable for you? 

His Grace reigns through His righteousness, and He imputed His righteousness to you when He took your sin at Calvary. So Grace has the power to reign in you. When you daily choose to believe Him instead of lies, you begin to see the Word in a new light. The imperatives of the New Testament inspire joy. You look at Old Testament law through the eyes of His Grace. You love His truth because He loves you. You understand that His love is enough, and you can never be. And that is just fine. You were never meant to be Jesus.

You say that you want to believe, but you can’t? Well, if that is the case, then you have already made a choice, haven't you? You have made the decision not to believe.  And His gift of life is precious! Why would you not want to choose to believe? To have a revelation of His Grace, then decide to accept that He loves you beyond what you could ever do or ever be. No law can set you free. There is no one, but Jesus who can change your life.

The ball is in your court, and He waits for you to trust Him without the feelings—without some detailed understanding—without confirmation. Whom Jesus sets free, is free beyond words! I’d believe if I were you! Freedom never looked so good!

© 2019 Lynn Lacher

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