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Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Foundational Faith

Look! I am placing a foundation stone in Jerusalem, a firm and tested stone. It is a precious cornerstone that is safe to build on. Whoever believes need never be shaken. —Isaiah 28:16b (NLT)

Jesus is the precious cornerstone of our faith—a prized and valuable foundation. There, in Jerusalem, upon Mount Moriah where Abraham did not have to sacrifice his son, God sacrificed His. Upon Golgotha, Jesus accomplished His Father’s will. What He offered for us is without price. He, who had no sin—who was completely innocent—became sin, so that we might stand without fault before God. There, while the enemy waited for what he erroneously believed to be his victory, Jesus finally died. In that terrible moment, unbeknownst to all, the death of Jesus split the veil of the temple—giving us His father as our own and imparting freedom that would not be realized until three days later when creation breathed with the power of His Resurrection.

Upon the gift of His life for ours, the Holy Spirit builds our faith. Valued above all else, He is the reason for all we believe—all that we are. He was tested and tried upon Calvary, and there He won our Resurrection victory. He is the only sure foundation in which we trust—the only safe harbor in which we find refuge. The gift of His precious life calls for our response even though there is nothing He demands. His love was the only love ever forged and resurrected. His love gave without regard. Without hesitation, He died to rescue you and me.

New life burst forth on that Resurrection morning and claimed us! His grace set us free from God’s judgment for our sin and gave us His power to rise above the enemy’s attempts to destroy our faith. Nothing else is the truth, but Him crucified for you and me. Nothing else is worthy to build upon, but His life for ours. 

Jesus builds in us what we cannot grow in ourselves—a costly and precious faith that need never be shaken. He is our safety and our victory—if we believe!  And belief is our choice!  Belief is our action in response to the free gift of His love. In response to His love for you, believe in who He made you at Calvary. Believe in who He says you are. Walk without hesitation in the newness of His Resurrection life—rejoicing and praising God for the joy of His freedom.

© 2019 Lynn Lacher

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