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Monday, April 1, 2019

Hunger and Thirst

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.
—Matthew 5:6 (NIV)

The Word says that you received the righteousness of Jesus when you were born again. His blameless and innocent life replaced your sinful one. Why then sometimes don’t you feel blameless? Why is it so hard to live what the Word says you have received from Him? You can’t act out His righteousness. That would be from self-effort and would be self-righteousness. A blameless life is not revealed in how you behave, because that is impossible. A blameless life is revealed in who you are in Jesus. Hunger and thirst to know who He is in you.

True righteousness rises from a changed heart which remains continually hungry to understand the new nature Jesus has given you. Then you are changed in the spirit of your mind. When you are changed in the spirit of your mind, you have the mind of Christ. You see with His eyes—hear with His ears—understand with His heart. You know without a doubt that He has loved you with an everlasting love. You are overwhelmed with the immensity of His grace. You walk humbly and joyfully living what He has given—not to earn His love or the approval of man—but just because you belong to Him.

Hunger and thirst to grow in Jesus’ gift of righteousness, and you shall be continually filled with the Holy Spirit to direct and empower you. You will be blessed to receive again and again! Jesus sees you through the finished work of His grace! He sees you pure. Jesus sees you changed. He sees you as He has made you—debt free—a new person. Because you are human and it is impossible to be perfect, the Holy Spirit convicts you with His righteousness that you received when you were born again. He draws you and convinces you when all is not right in your life. You are not condemned but loved. The enemy might try to convince you that God doesn’t love you anymore—that you are forever separated from His love. But that is a lie. Jesus still sees you blameless—through the finished work of the cross. You are never forsaken. Nothing can separate you from His love.

Who would not always hunger and thirst for this kind of love—for this amazing grace—for this gift? If you hunger and thirst, you shall be filled! And out of your life will flow rivers of His living water—unstoppable—full of mercy and grace. And that is a blessed life!

© 2019 Lynn Lacher

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